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"Alright, sir step aside."
Your heart dropped.
Is he crazy? Why would he let them in
You ripped the tape off your mouth and struggled to your feet, throwing the close off you.
"Is this your room sir?"
"Oh uh yeah, this is my room."
You heard the door open, your heart started to beat faster.
"Do you mind if we take a look in here?"
You tried to see what they were talking about, but the closet door didn't have slots. You sat back down and covered yourself in clothes again, praying they wouldn't open the door.


no no no this can't be happening right now 

you sat quietly as they looked in the closet, somehow the glossed over the fact that there was a pile of clothes that looked like a human.

"ok, Hernandez, looks like there's nothing here."

they left the closet and you sat there quietly, practically holding your breath.

"sorry for wasting your time, sir."

"oh, it's ok."

they left at least as far as you could tell, you heard Kurt walk back into the room.

"Y/N?" he said softly

you took the clothes off your head and looked at him.

"oh, I thought  I put you on the other side of the closet." he grabbed your wrists and pulled you up. "sorry for throwing you."

"it's ok, it didn't hurt"

"that's good" he smiled softly.

you both sat on his bed talking about friends and family, one thing was off-putting, just the way Kurt would stare at you in the eyes never breaking eye contact, it felt as if he was staring through you, no matter if you looked away you could still feel his eyes staring.

the room went quiet, you kept feeling his eyes locked on you, you would look at him to see if he would read the cues to stop. he didn't. you started to make it more obvious like scooching away. he moved closer. he wouldn't stop staring.

"Can you like stop." you snapped at him

he looked surprised and looked away



"ill get it" Kurt got to his feet quickly.

god, he's weird

he walked back in with the pizza you guys ordered.

"pizza time," he said awkwardly

you smiled, and he sat back down beside you.

"Have some." he pushed the box to you" you don't have to but if you would like some."

you took a smaller slice than the rest not being very hungry.

"Thanks, Kurt"

"hm, oh no problem"

you both sat and ate pizza and talked.

maybe he isn't so bad. he still kidnapped me but, that doesn't matter

after you two finished your pizza you washed your hands (greasy ass pizza 😒)

"It's getting late do you want to uh, go to bed?" he asked fidgeting with his hands.

"Sure" you gave him a quick smile.


you hugged him tightly, and he hugged back, the two of you walk to his room and got ready for bed, Kurt gave you a baggy T-shirt and some shorts to wear, the shirt wasn't clean.

he wore  a pair of shorts and no shirt (Idk he gives vibes of sleeping shirtless)

you got into bed beside him once he got in.

sure his bed was just a mattress on the floor and he smelled like sweat and his hair is greasy, but he was just really sweet.

"is this ok," he asked putting his arm around you"

you nodded slightly. "yep"

he pulled the blanket over the two of you. you started to feel safe, a little safer.


Kurt's phone buzzed he took it out of his pocket and turned it on, the brightness blinding the two of you.

"Kurt turns down your brightness" you laughed

he turned it down.

"sorry someone calling me,"

"answer it,"

he answered it, you couldn't tell what was happening. but Kurt sounded like he was talking to his dad.

"dad, no, no I don't know."

you rolled over to face away from him to get some sleep, you slowly drifted away, but just enough you could still hear him get off the phone.

"i- dad no bye"

you felt him put his phone away and lay back down beside you he wrapped his arm around you again pulling you closer to him.

"sorry" he whispered 

666 words lol

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now