(my dearest apologies not a AN)

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(Don't question the photo)
(Took me almost 3 months to post this srry school's been alot)

(Smut 😭)

"I said get in." He started to raise his voice.
You backed up again.
"Don't make me shoot you."
"Kurt put down the gun." You backed away more.
He had shot beside your foot, a warning shot.
"Get. In. The. Car."
He lined up the gun with your chest.

Sounds of the party faded out of your thoughts, the music, the people, Bobby.
Bobby.. his house is just past Kurt. I'd
need to knock him to the ground.

"Y/n get in the car." His hand trembled.
you took a step back quickly and ran.
"you fucking cunt."
He grabbed your shirt, you pulled away, and your shirt ripped. You say a car pass
"HELP! " you cried, pulling from his grip.
He pulled you to his chest.

"Be quiet." he held you tightly to his chest waiting for the car to pass.
you struggled against him harder and harder.

"stop fighting, let's just go home."
You elbowed him in the stomach twice. Trying to get away from him.
"STOP IT" He pushed you against his car

"GET OFF ME!" you tried pushing him away from you
he pulled your wrists up to your chest, putting almost all his weight on you.

"Be quiet.." he opened his car door and tried pushing you into it.
he threw you in the car, you hit your head on the inside of the car door.

he got in the backseat beside you, pulling you up onto his lap.

"there you go~"

he put his hand on your thigh, moving his thumb in a circular motion.
"Better?" His hand gently squeezes your thigh.
His hands moved up to your waist, gently laying you on your back.

(Why am I doing this to myself? Skip ahead if you don't want to read mediocre smut)

He positioned himself on top of you.
"Is this ok?" His hands pull down the waistband of your pants.
No. You tried to kill me 10 minutes ago, but I don't want to die.
"You can say no."
"No, it's ok."
He pulled down your pants completely, taking his off as well

(Why do I do this to myself? 🙂)

He slipped off his boxers, taking yours off as well. Slowly he put it in you. You felt a knot tie in your stomach.
"Still ok?"
He thrusted into you, causing you to moan. He kept going harder the louder you moaned.
You felt the knot in your stomach untie and release all the tension and other liquids.
"Did that feel good?" He pulled out, letting you catch your breath.
"Mhm.." you breathed deeply.
Holy shit.
You lay on your back watching Kurt put his clothes back in. You decided to put yours on and clean yourself up at Kurt's home.


"let's go home, ok?"
"ok" you nodded.
Kurt climbed out of the backseat into the front, put his keys in the car, and started it.
"off we go."
about 20 minutes passed when you realized you were taking a different route.
"Kurt? where are we?"
"oh, id thought you'd like a long drive."
"Oh, ok,"
more time passed, and you started to get concerned.
"shut up."
what the fuck was that for?
you sat quietly for a moment.
you trembled.
why did he yell at me?
"Kurt, what's gotten into you?"
"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP,". He stopped the car suddenly.
you teared up.
"fuck... look I'm sorry" his eyes softened, and he gently grabbed your hand to comfort you.
"I... it's ok..,"
"Are you sure?"
"don't lie to me."
"I'm not, I swear."
Kurt started the car again, turning on the radio.
Why did he just snap like that.

About 20 minutes later you reached Kurt's house, you saw a couple cop cars down the street.
Kurt for out of the car locking the doors on the way out.
What's he doing.
He walked up to his house and unlocked the door, then he walked back to the car and let you out.
" just walk"
He practically dragged you into the house, once in he slammed the door.
"jeez, you didn't have to pull me."
"i did it for a reason, the cops were here earlier, u do t want to be caught."

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now