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(Does this count as fluff or angst)
"Not whatever, I'm being serious."
You shrugged and went upstairs.
Why does he get so mad.
You looked for your phone quickly, you still couldn't find it.
"I'm sorry for being an asshole earlier."
"Thanks for apologizing.."
Kurt went back to clean up the body of his father, leaving you in his room alone.
I cant tell if I'm terrified or in love with him. He honestly scares me.
You walked over to his PC, turning it on and logging on.
You searched: 'why is my boyfriend nice then mean suddenly' and 'bipolar disorder'.
"What are you doing?"
You jumped slightly.
"I'm sorry.."
You stood up quickly and getting away from the computer.
You sat silently while he screamed at you about the cops, internet, being accused of kidnapping and murder.
You felt unsafe.
He wouldn't hit me right?
He raised his hands in the air, near your face and had his hands come close to hitting you.
He stormed out of the room in a angry spit.
I fucked up.
'New messages from: Bobby💵'
You opened the messages.

  《      Bobby💵

Kurt why did
you leave so early
   .Sorry my gf was tired.

K bye loser.
|send message  | > |😀|

What an asshole.
You set Kurt's phone down after texting Bobby back.
"Y/N get over here."
You stood up and walked out to the hallway.
"Bring me the shovel from the garage."
You nodded and walked to get it.
"Hey young lady  everything ok? I heard some yelling."
"Oh uh yeah, kurt was just a bit upset over something."
"Anything happen let me know."
"ok, thanks"
You kept walking to the garage to get the shovel, took you a minute to find it but you eventually found it.
"SPIDERS" you screamed like a child.
Grabbing the shovel you ran, terrified of the spiders.
You finally gave kurt the shovel.
"There was spiders."
"No way your scared of them pfft"
You walked back to his room, still searching for your phone.
2 hours later.
"Did you see my neighbor Martha?"
"Yes, she asked how I was."
"I think your bipolar..."
"I did some research, and you fall under alot of the category's."
You both stood quietly.
"What time is it?"
"3:33 am."
"We should go to bed." He walked closer sitting on the bed.
You stared down, feeling him lie down you turned off the light and layed down beside him.
"I love you."
You got comfortable and dozed off.

You woke up to the gummy bear song BLASTING from Kurt's phone you looked over at the clock it said 7:20. You rolled out of bed and trudged into the bathroom for a shower. The water felt amazing on your body, as you stood in the shower with your hands behind your head letting the hot water wash away all of your worries.
Kurt walked in quickly to brush his teeth. "Moring, get dressed after were going to Denny's for breakfast" Kurt was waiting outside the door  Kurt seemed to be be one of those people who needed the right amount of sleep. Some people can stay up for weeks on end and some have problems with it. From your observation Kurt really just needed to sleep enough to function. You got ready and put my clothes on quickly and headed out the door with him, you both got in the car.
"Why Denny's?"
"Okay" you kissed him on the cheek.

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now