(Idk what put here 😟)

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I'm on a road trip rn so I'll try getting as much done as I can
(Btw you're in his house!)

Slowly opening your eyes that felt glued shut 
"Oh! You're up"
"Kurt where are we?" Your words came out more like mumbles than anything else
"We're home."
Looking around you realized this wasn't your house
"Kurt this isn't my fucking house!"
"Hm? Oh, not your home my home."
Looking around again you start to regret ever getting in his car.
"Kurt let me go please!."
You stood up and tried to grab your phone but Kurt grabbed your wrist and threw you to the ground.
"What do you think you're doing?"
He stared down at you
"Kurt please let me go, my friend is going to come looking for me."
"I don't think she will." He showed you his phone with an article pulled up saying
A drunk driver gets into a car crash and dies.
"W-what no.. this can't be right." You choked on your own words.
"Is a friend named Sophie?"
Instead of responding you kicked Kurt in the stomach and ran for the door.
"No!" He grabbed you.
"Kurt sweetie is everything ok up there?"
Someone else is in the house?
"Yeah, mom I'm ok."
"HEL-" your cry for help was cut short as Kurt covered your mouth with a hand
"Be quiet."
It was quiet for a couple of minutes.
"See it's not that hard."
He smiled, then lead you to his bed.
"Have a seat!"
You sat down on the bed and tried to think how you were going to get out.
Ring ring
"My phone." You went to grab it
"I'll get it for you just sit still." Kurt grabbed the phone off his desk.
"My boyfriend." You finally thought you were going to be freed from this man's home.
"Answer it." Kurt was impatient
"I'm.." you looked at Kurt. Am I going to risk getting killed?
"I'm at a friend's house."
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Your boyfriend's voice sounded annoyed
"My phone was dead.." you said still staring at Kurt
"I'm coming to pick you up, what's the address."
"What?! No, I'm fine where I am."
Kurt took the phone out of your hand
"Kurt what are you-"
"No more talking to him." He put your phone in his pocket.
"He's my boyfriend Kurt!"
"Not anymore."
Kurt sat down beside you.
"Are you hungry? I can some food for you."
"I guess.."
Kurt sprung up.
"I'll be back don't go anywhere!"
Kurt left the room.
How am I'm supposed to get out of here? You got up and looked out the window.
"I could make that jump."
"What jump?"
Kurt was standing in the doorway with a bag of (whatever your favourite chips are)
He handed you the chips and smiled.
"Did you put anything in this?" You opened the bag carefully.
"What? Of course not!" He smiled and sat beside you.
You finished the chips within a couple of minutes, all Kurt did was stare at you.
"Thanks, I guess.." You threw the empty bag of chips in the small garbage can he had.
"No problem!"
Suddenly he pulled you in for a hug.
Why the hell does he smell so bad?
"Do you ever take showers dude?" You pulled away from the hug
"What do you mean of course I do."
"Well, you smell terrible and your hair is all greasy." You ran your fingers through his hair.
"I do not smell bad!"
"You do."
"I don't!"
"You do."
You laughed, but Kurt didn't find it as funny as you did.
"OW Kurt what the hell" you struggled as he pinned you down.
"Shut up."

(I'll make part 3 as soon as I can)

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now