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That night you had trouble sleeping, which is unusual because you always were a heavy sleeper. But there was still something off putting.
Why can't I just sleep.
You turned around so you were facing kurt who was sleeping.
Hes so cute when he sleeps, well not really.


A doorknob twisting interrupt your trail of thought


The fuck
Light flooded into the room. Kurt sat up sleepily, as you pretened to wake up as well
"Kurt who the fuck is this girl beside you."
"Dad?" Kurt rubbed his eyes
You rolled over to face the doorway. Kurt stood up slowly.
"I thought I told you not to come here." Kurt walked towards his dad.
"I was worried."
"Why, I'm not a kid anymore I dont need you to look after me." Kurt started to walk out of the room with his dad.
"Kurt." His dad sighed.
They left the room and closed the door behind them.
You sat for a couple of minutes, just trying to think.
I could escape right now. How would I do that.
You heard kurt and his dad arguing about something, you didnt care enough to listen though. You shivered.
God its cold in here.
You got up and walked to his closet. Grabbing a green zip up hoodie you assumed he doesn't wear.
Does he wash his clothes. This smells like sweat.
You heard yelling and stuff breaking. You quietly walked over to the door, and opened it.
"Kurt?" You said in almost a whisper
You saw kurt and his dad fighting, and it looked like kurt had a knife.
You stood in shock as kurt stabbed his own father to death.
This can't be happening
You felt tears pour down your face like a waterfall in spring.
"Oh my God...." you said quietly.
Kurt turned his head your direction you immediately ran back into the room.
Oh my fucking God oh God
You wiped the tears of your face to see clearly again.
"Y/N." Kurt said giving the impression he was in front of the door.
"NO." You screamed back in response, pushing all your body weight on the door.
"Open the door, I'm not going to hurt
You didn't respond.
How does he expect me to let him in if he just killed his own father in front of me.
"I promise." You heard him sit down against the door on the other side. "I promise" he repeated
"Why." You put your ear against the door.
"Why did you kill him." Your voice pitched up
"That shouldn't matter."
You moved away from the door, leaving enough room to peak out.
You reached for the doorknob
Wait am I fucking crazy
You let go causing the doorknob to make a clicking sound when you let go.
You breathed shallowly.
There was a moment of silence.
"I'm sorry."
You were confused for a couple seconds before you realized what he ment, he pushed his way to open the door knocking you to the ground, his hands and face covered in blood.
He pinned you to the ground bringing the knife to your neck.
He covered your mouth with his hands.
"Do you know how to shut up?"
You struggled to breathe, his hands pushing on your nose.
No no no no
You bit him as hard as you could.
"You bitch."  He punched you in the face causing your nose to bleed.
You kicked him of you, backing up and away from him.
"I'm sorry I didnt mean to hurt you." Kurt pulled you close to him.
He held you closer.
"I dont know what came over me, I didnt mean to hurt you."
You struggled against him, it was no use considering he was much stronger than you.
"I'm sorry." He ran his fingers through your hair trying to convince you to forgive him.
I should've walked home, I should've gone with a fuckboy from the party, I should've gone with sophie.
You felt him gently kiss the top of your head. He gently picked you up.
You would've struggled against him but you knew he would over power you
He ended up putting you back down on the mattress and tucking you in.
" I'm going to have a shower. Please don't leave."
How desperate.
He grabbed some clothes and left the room.

(Yall wanna escape?? Or nah.)

Reply her if yes

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JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now