(i still dont know what to put here)

390 2 27

(edited 🤯)

"y/n go to my room ill get the door."



you rolled your eyes and headed to his room where you took a seat on his mattress, you ended up overhearing the conversation between the person at the door and Kurt

"oh hello." you heard Kurt say

"Are you Kurt Kunkle?" 

"yes, I am."

"do you have any other people over, or is it just you."

"I have a friend over."

"And what is their name?"

"uhh, y/n"

"sir I'm going to have to get you to step out of the house"

"your not even a police officer, no."

you heard the door shut.

"hi, Kurt, who was at the door?"

"Oh, girl scouts"


"oh, ok"

Kurt smiled and sat down beside you.

Kurt, you have some blood on you did you get a cut?"

"hmm, oh yeah it's not that bad don't worry."

"are you going to ever  let me go?"

"I don't know yet."

"You have to at some point"

you lay in his lap, staring into his dark void of brown eyes.

"where's your mom."

"my mom?"

"yeah, I heard her scream earlier while I was getting ready for a shower."

"I don't know."

you both sat and chatted for a while until your stomach growled.

"Kurt, I'm hungry can you order some food?"

"Sure, like what?"


"what kind"




"sure let me get my phone!"

you watched as he got up and left the room to get his phone.

I'm not sure I wanna leave anymore, I think he was just desperate for a girlfriend or just friends in general.

"pizza should be here in about 20."

"Thanks, Kurt"

he smiled again and hugged you. you hugged back, and you both just kinda stood there hugging each other.

you heard sounds of sirens  growing closer (WOO WOO THAT'S THE SOUND OF THE POLICE I'm sorry I had to 💀)

"that doesn't sound like a pizza delivery last time I checked kur-"

he grabbed you by your wrists and threw you in the closet and put duct tape over your mouth the cover you in clothes.

what the fuck?

you heard Kurt rush down the stairs and open the door.

"Hello, officer."

"Hello, we got a report that you had y/n in your house?"

"oh, yeah she left already. "

"do you mind if we inspect your house?"

"go ahead."

JUST LET ME GO (Kurt kunkle x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now