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"Will you bring my daughter safely back Ishaan?" Brigadier Amarjeet Dhillon asked, looking distraught

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"Will you bring my daughter safely back Ishaan?" Brigadier Amarjeet Dhillon asked, looking distraught. Captain Ishaan had never seen the man so weak.

Throughout Ishaan's 10+ years in the Indian Army, Amarjeet Dhillon had been the most dynamic superior officer he had ever worked with. Amarjeet had seen the worst of worst missions and countless insurgency operations, and he fearlessly oversaw some of the critical surgical strikes and handled every challenge of National Security without wavering, even once. But today he seemed like he had lost a battle. He looked exhausted and completely drained out.

"Yes Sir. I promise I will bring her back." Ishaan assured, keeping his erratic heart at bay. The mere thought that Jiya, Amarjeet's daughter, could be in danger, had waves of shudder running through his spine. Ishaan didn't have to promise Brigadier because, if it was for Jiya, he would have gone to hell and back without asking.

Jiya. The typical army brat. But she hated all things army!

She was immature, impulsive, and a notorious prankster who kept everyone around her on the edge of their seats. Including, Ishaan. She had a way of grabbing his heart, squeezing it dry and putting it back like a clueless cat.

"Ishaan, her wedding is on the 15th..." Shilpa, the Brigadier's wife, drawled gloomily. Ishaan gulped, his hands fisted to hold back every emotion running wild inside him. "Only 10 days away." Shilpa continued, drops of tears escaping through her droopy eyes.

Amarjeet held his wife in a firm grip. "Calm down, Shilpa. Dr Raunak is a good boy, and he understands the situation. I already spoke to him earlier. He is currently stuck in an emergency operation, and he promised to come here as soon as he wraps up at the hospital."

Ishaan looked away, shutting his eyes and calming his nerves down. "Captain Ishaan," Amarjeet called, straightening up and taking him out of the living room, towards the balcony, away from his wife.

"There is something you should know," Brigadier said, collecting his thoughts. "Because of a fight last night, Jiya left. I know we can't locate her, but I am sure, she is just hiding."

Ishaan nodded, placing a comforting hand on Brigadier's trembling fingers. "Last month, we raided a hideout of a group of militants at Gulmarg. Their leader is under our custody, and he is giving us all the information that we need for a surgical strike at the militants' base of operation."

"I understand Sir... But how is this connected with Jiya?"

Amarjeet swallowed a lump in his throat, "Intelligence reports have confirmed that there is an elaborate plan to abduct her. She has no security with her and hiding somewhere! She is vulnerable, and Ishaan, it won't be a kidnap for blackmail. It's for retaliation against our raid, and they can go any lengths-"

"Sir! Please. Keep your faith in me. I will bring her back, I promise. I won't let any bastard lay a finger on her. Do you trust me, Sir?"

Amarjeet nodded with a faint smile. After giving his assurances to Dhillon's family, Captain Ishaan walked out of the Brigadier's Bungalow grimly. He didn't know he should be worried for Jiya or angry at her for putting herself at such risk. She is an idiot! Always, will be.


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