Chapter 1

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Jiya Dhillon stealthily walked back to the cottage after shopping for some grocery essentials from local vendors

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Jiya Dhillon stealthily walked back to the cottage after shopping for some grocery essentials from local vendors.

It had taken a lot of effort to rent the cottage under a fake name. Also, putting up a disguise of a 50-year-old woman to keep herself hidden from her father or his men hadn't been easy either.

30 hours had passed since she left home and she was sure there could be a big team scouring every inch of Kashmir for her whereabouts.

Growing up as an army brat will definitely tell you a thing or two about staying under the radar.  For example, your phone can always be tracked. No matter how smart you are, there is always a new technique invented every day to override security. So the better option is to get yourself an old of the basic handsets - that has no internet, no location, no nothing! Only to make calls during emergencies. Also, make sure you don't get a sim on your name - they can always ping sim towers and triangulate your position.

Better yet, ditch the entire idea of having a phone! Public phone booths or landlines at local shops will be the best option in case you want to make a phone call. 

Jiya had to make sure to stay invisible. She couldn't let her father or his men get to her. At least not so soon.

She didn't want to go back. She needed some peace, alone time. And peace had been the last thing on her mind lately and all she wanted was a break away from the chaos - around her and within her.

Jiya didn't know how long she planned to stay there. She needed this space until she could collect her thoughts and figure out a way to move forward with life. At the bottom of her heart, she knew, that running away was the worst decision. She had no choice.

Unlocking her room door, Jiya entered inside, setting the grocery bags on the table. Strolling over to the bedroom, she untangled the wig and started to remove the thick makeup that gave her older woman's contour.

When she switched on the lights to get a proper look at her face for any traces of frazzled make-up that wasn't cleaned, Jiya drew a sharp breath. One glance at the reflection, she stood rooted to the floor. Staring back at her in the mirror, wasn't just her face.

Sitting nonchalantly behind her was, Ishaan Rajan. "Hey there, Miss Dhillon. How you doing?"

His face was dark and the wicked grin on his face meant she was doomed. He clearly wasn't impressed by her stunt. And probably have promised her father that he would bring her back.

Always a gentleman.

Has to do the right thing every damn time!

"Ishaan" Jiya breathed, more importantly trying to tell herself that she wasn't just imagining the handsome, charming and swoon-worthy soldier.

She didn't know what sent her heart racing. The fact that he was looking hot as hell even while he was immensely pissed at her or the fact that he was looking hot as hell sitting in her bedroom, glaring at her through the mirror-like was going to kiss the shit out of her.

The last thought gave her goosebumps.

The kiss. Those lips. That hot breath. His warm and cosy body against hers. Ugh.

She was indeed doomed. There was no escape when you are staring at a man who leaves no stone unturned to reach his goal. If he can survive the bone-numbing climate of Siachen, there is nothing in this world he can't do!

"If you are done playing hide and seek.. it's time to go home."

Her father had indeed sent his best. But Jiya was better.

She bolted right out of the balcony startling Ishaan. He should have known, that she wasn't going to budge easily and taking her back wouldn't be a piece of cake. She was born to bring hell to earth and strangely, Ishaan always seemed to be the first one she rained her parade on. "Shit!" He cursed, hurrying behind her. That woman was going to destroy him!

 Growing up, Jiya was obsessed with adventure sports. When she tried almost everything that she could, she decided to go the extra mile. So she got trained.

During her summer vacations at her Grandma's place in Patiala, Punjab, Jiya enlisted the help of some of the notorious neighbourhood kids to train her in various things. For starters, how to sneak out from a balcony on the top floor without breaking a bone. Jumping from one rooftop to another like your tail is on fire. Stealing a car, a bike and so many things that Ishaan couldn't even begin to think, the list was endless. She would have excelled had she become a detective or better yet a swindler. She was cut out for just that. Unfortunately, neither of them interested her as much as tormenting her family and friends did.

Somehow, to Ishaan, she had always been a different story. A story, he so wished to write but was never his.

Sliding down with the help of strong pipes and grills until she reached the ground, Jiya glanced up and found Ishaan right behind her with a speed of light. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she ran away from him down the hill through the little path caved through the vegetable plantation.

"Jiya stop while I am being nice about this. Do not piss me off further!" Ishaan yelled.

"Tell your team to back off Ishaan. You won't catch up to me!" She yelled back.

Ishaan groaned. "It's just me Jiya! I am the team. There is no one else."

Jiya slowed in her tracks and stole a glance back. Bad move. Before she could be back on her track, Ishaan caught up with her. Hell, he was in the army! Had led troops to dangerous locations, spent months camping on deadly forests, frozen to bone at the Siachen borders, combated with enemies until they bled dry and not to mention those sneaky undercover operations! She thought she could escape right under his nose? Ishaan's? She obviously had forgotten what he was capable of.

Without wasting another second, Ishaan grabbed her and she came crashing against his chest with a jolt. Gasping for air, standing under a mist-coated tree and Kashmir's nerve-numbing chill, Ishaan and Jiya found themselves moulded together in a sultry embrace, "You came alone?"

"Yes. And I intend to take you back" He muttered breathlessly. God! She looked gorgeous. While his mind screamed to put at least three feet distance between them, Ishaan liked the way she fit perfectly in his arms. Her big doe eyes stared back at him. What would he not give to stare down into those orbs all his life? What would he not give to just have her next to him forever? How long has it been since he was this close to her?

Four years. It had been four years since she decided to stay out of his life.

3 years, 10 months and 17 days to be exact. He didn't plan on counting, but damn his mind and bloody heart! When it came to Jiya, neither of them was in sync. Never was, never will.

Captain Of My Heart (Indian Army Romance #1)Where stories live. Discover now