Chapter 9

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"Ishaan?" Jiya called.

Nuzzling against the crook of her neck, Ishaan licked the small part of her skin. "Ishaan! It's tickling, stop!" Jiya giggled, wriggling out of his hold to look at his face.

They had been making love to each other for the last couple of hours and neither of them wanted to stop. Unfortunately for them, their bodies weren't in sync with their desires. They were sore, tired and pent up.

Yet, they couldn't keep their hands off each other!

Wrapping the blanket around her naked self, Jiya, tricked Ishaan and slipped out of his hold. "Get back in here!" Ishaan demanded, narrowing his eyes.

Jiya was standing by the foot of the bed, giggling. "Nope."



Shaking his head, he launched into action and after a silly cat-and-mouse chase across his room, he successfully got hold of her. Wrapping his hands around her waist from behind, Ishaan held her in place in his embrace. Exactly where she belonged.

"Have I told you, you are the stupidest woman I have met in my life?" 

Jiya smacked his head, "That's not a romantic thing to say Ishaan!"

He laughed. "You are also the most annoying woman, that I will ever come across."

Jiya pushed him away from her. Leaning against the wall, with the blanket covering her body, she glared at him. "And an absolute pain in the ass." He spoke, taking a step closer. With his every word, her glare deepened.

"You drive me insane!" 

"You better shut up or I will not talk to you again, Ishaan!" Jiya warned.

"Yet... somehow, I am crazy about you."

Jiya blinked at his words. Ishaan caressed her face and dropped a sloppy kiss on his lips. "I have always loved you, Jiya."

Smiling, she bit her lips, only to be captured by Ishaan's lips again. Deeping the kiss, he pulled her blanket away from her hold and wrapped her against himself. "I feel like, I have got everything that I ever wanted. Jiya... I.. love you."

"I love you too, Ishaan."

"I just want this moment to freeze." He mumbled, pressing his forehead against her. 

"And I want millions of more moments like this. I don't want time to freeze. I want us to experience, every moment.. together. For as long as we both live."

Ishaan chuckled, his thumbs caressing his lips. "So cheesy."

"Fuck you!" Jiya tried to push him, only to be carried over to the bed for yet another round of passionate lovemaking. 


When Jiya woke up it was past 9 am and Ishaan wasn't beside her. "Ishaan?" She called a couple of times and found him nowhere at home.

Maybe he left to work? But she had begged him to take leave! Jiya wondered with a frown before getting dressed. Her head was pounding hard and she felt slightly sore. Shyly recalling last night's affair, Jiya felt heat rise up her cheeks. Finding Ishaan's t-shirt, she started twirling around the living room delightfully.

"Where did you go leaving me? I am already missing you!" Jiya giggled. Picking up her phone, she dialled his number. She prepared herself to reprimand him for going to work or wherever he had gone without informing her. After hearing the unreachable tone from the other end of the line, Jiya frowned.

Where did he go?

Plopping down pensively on the couch, Jiya listed all the scenarios on why Ishaan could be missing. All sorts of weird and negative thoughts erupted in her mind. Is this revenge? Was it just a one-night stand? No! He told me he loved me and he has always loved me! Where is he then?

Jiya didn't have the courage to check with the officers outside. Last night she had embarrassed herself enough by forcing them to drop her at Ishaan's place. How was she to ask where their captain - she passionately spent the night with - had disappeared?

To distract herself, she switched on the tv even as her mind started bringing up new options to consider - Her father found out and kicked him out of the army. 

Naah! Her parents were already aware she liked Ishaan!

Before another thought popped into her head, the news headline shook her.

"Today Jammu & Kashmir woke up to a special surgical op carried by the Indian Army that has killed 8 Militants hiding at an abandoned youth centre, only a few km away from Badami Bagh Army Cantonment! In the firing that ensued, along with the 8 militants, 2 Army officers were fatally injured and are currently taken to the hospital. The recent reports claim that a Doctor who served at Army Hospital was also found dead during the firing. We have our reporter, Mohammed Arshad, at  the scene to give us more information, Yes Arshad, please go ahead."

"So.. From what we have gathered, it's too shocking to know that, a doctor working at the Army Hospital is part of this militant group. He goes by the name Dr Raunak Kapoor! It's also believed that Dr Raunak was a key player in the militant group, whose leader was recently nabbed by the army. It appears that Raunak had been part of a sleeper cell. And we haven't recovered any information related to his real name or how he is involved with the militant group yet." Arshad reported, standing close to a barricade that was drawn to keep the crowd away from the abandoned youth centre.

The door of Ishaan's home opened with a thud and her parents stormed in, "Jiya?"

"Ma! Dad!" Jiya hugged them, tears streaming down her face. She had been friends with Raunak for years! How could she not know this? Glancing at the running news channel, Brigadier Amarjeet sighed sadly. He muted the channel.

"We are sorry Beta. I knew there was something odd about him... But he was always so dedicated towards his work and... I believed him! Shouldn't have brought him into our lives. Please forgive me!" Amarjeet said. Jiya sniffed recalling all the moments she spent with him, feeling disgusted and dejected.

"Ishaan found out yesterday itself, he tricked Raunak by giving him misinformation. He led the operation and ambushed them." Amarjeet recounted.

"Where is Ishaan?" She asked after she had composed herself. Her parents were silent. "What are you not telling me? Where is he?"

Amarjeet drew a long breath, before telling her. "Ishaan is at the hospital, he is critically injured during the op. I am so sorry beta."

Jiya felt like someone had snatched the ground beneath her. She was shattered as she broke into sobs. "I want to see him."


Jiya sat down in front of Ishaan who was lying on the hospital bed. Unconscious, injured and breathing with the support of a ventilator.

"Is this how you take your revenge?" Jiya asked, her heart breaking into million pieces watching him in pain. "I deserve this... for all that I have done. But you? What did you do to deserve this? Ishaan, you better wake up.. I.. Can't imagine my life without you! Don't punish me like this Ishaan. I am on the verge of losing it all. Please, show some mercy and wake up.. Ishaan! Get up!"

"Jiya!" Shilpa held her daughter tightly, comforting her, "I can't lose him, Ma." Jiya whimpered in her embrace.

Ishaan remained lifelessly sleeping in the bed, with numerous machines blinking behind him. Unable to tolerate watching Ishaan in such a state, Jiya slowly fainted. The last thought that came to her mind was Ishaan's words- "Jiya. Whatever we do, we will never be able to change our destiny."

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