Chapter 6

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Ishaan knew the moment he would bare his soul, it would only hurt him in return. Yet, on that night, almost 4 years ago, he opened up. Showed her exactly how he felt, with one sweltering kiss. And that one was all that it took to take her away from him, perhaps permanently now.

Opening the door, Jiya stopped by the porch while Ishaan came back with logs of wood and dropped them on the ground. Grabbing the axe, he started to chop them into small pieces. Diverting all his pain, anger and unruly emotions over the wood seemed a better idea than facing the woman who had the power to smoulder him.

"Ishaan... listen to me, it's not what you think."

And she had the audacity to still talk about that night. He looked up in fury, "You never once returned my calls after that night Jiya! Never once. You had a million chances to tell me otherwise if I assumed any of it wrong."

Jiya closed her eyes. "Ishaan.."

"Save it. I don't want to talk about this. Get inside, it's getting cold." He stated and the tone of his voice said, he wasn't going to hear a word against it. Jiya dragged herself inside and waited for him to return.

When he did, she turned around stopping him by the door and pushing him against it. "Ishaan. Do you remember I told you, I wasn't ready?"

"Jiya. I am telling you again, we not discussing that night."

"We are discussing it. I am not going to let you assume anything. So tell me, do you remember?"

Ishaan dropped the pieces on the side and sighed. The faster he got this over with, the better. "Yes."

"I wasn't ready for you, for us. Ishaan... You have no idea what I feel about you! I fell for you the moment Aman brought you home. You put up with every one of my tricks without complaint. You saved Aman and I knew, there wasn't going to be anybody I would be crazy about as much as I am about you. That scared the shit out of me! You know am sick and tired of being part of army life. I hate it so much.."

Ishaan closed his eyes, gulping. "..and I love the army." He completed her sentence. "There is no way, you would marry an army man and relive your entire life again."


"I understand. It's okay." He mumbled. It wasn't okay. It broke him.

She didn't let him move away from her. She yanked him into a hug. Reluctantly, he held her close. Love, shouldn't be this difficult right?

Looking up, she stared deeply into his eyes. Ishaan tilted his head, with their lips only inches away. He could read the eagerness and longing in her eyes. Jiya was relishing being in his embrace and every cell of her body craved for more, so much more. He lifted his thumb to gently stroke her cheeks. Jiya leaned on to his touch, tears slipping out of her eyes. The only thing the two of them could see and feel was each other's touch. He sucked the drop of tears that escaped her eyes. Trailing wet kisses down her cheeks, he captured her lips with his, releasing all those pent-up emotions. He twirled her around and pushed her against the door. As she parted her lips inviting him to unleash his desires, he claimed her mouth in unruly hunger that consumed both of them.

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