Chapter 10

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The fog-kissed streets welcomed her as the clouds continued to hide the sun behind them. Running on the trails down the hill, Jiya found herself immersed in the songs that were playing through her earphones. This was her morning routine now - a long run up and down the hill. Years ago when Aman and Ishaan would insist that she join them on the runs, she would throw tantrums and laugh at them. Who knew that one day she would do these little things willingly and happily?

"Good morning, Jiya madam!" Her driver, Prakash, greeted her as soon as she entered the gates of her home. Jiya smiled and greeted the old man as he washed the jeep. Jiya walked towards the garden and plopped down on the large swing in the midst of bougainvillaea and rose flowers. The morning fog was slowly turning into misty dews and she loved when the tiny droplets fell on her face, tickling her skin. 

The smell of freshly harvested tea leaves embraced her and she sighed in contentment. "Madam, we need to look over the account books." The estate manager, Shankar, approached her. Jiya gave him a brief nod, "Sure, Shankar. List out all the things that you need from me and we will go over them before I leave for Kashmir, okay?"

"Sure, madam!"

"What will it take for all of you to start addressing me as Jiya? I hate being called madam!" Jiya grumbled as she marched inside the two-storeyed house nestled quietly in the hills of Munnar, Kerala. 


"When are you coming home?" Shilpa, Jiya's mother asked impatiently.

Jiya rolled her eyes as she settled her smartphone by the kitchen window. Turning away from the screen, she got herself busy stirring the dosa batter. "Ma! It's only been three months since I met you all. Let me enjoy a few more days na!" 

She ignited the burner of the gas stove and placed the iron Tawa on it. Waiting for the tawa to heat up, Jiya listened to her mother's chiding. "Do you even know how many tasks are pending? Jiya your marriage date is approaching. We haven't done proper shopping yet!"

Jiya groaned as Shilpa continued to complain about how irresponsible and negligent Jiya was getting. Switching off the stove, Jiya glared and grabbed her phone. "Ma! I told you I wanted a simple temple wedding or better yet, a no-nonsense marriage at a registrar's office. You guys threw tantrums and arranged for this big fat wedding. Now, you take this headache, don't pull me into it about the arrangements. I will come to Kashmir two days before the wedding, that's all."

"Oh my God! I can't believe this girl! You deal with her." Shilpa grunted, handing the phone to her husband Amarjeet who chuckled at the mother-daughter banter.

"Stop frustrating my wife. Without you here, I am at the receiving end of all her grumpiness." Amarjeet huffed. Jiya laughed at his antics. After the initial exchange of greetings and health enquiries, Amarjeet asked, "Aman's death anniversary is coming up..."

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