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First came a towel, then a couple of pens, followed by a bunch of makeup accessories and finally, it was a large wooden box that Jiya was ready to throw at the most infuriating man on the planet.

"What the hell, Jiya!" He dodged everything that was thrown at him and bravely stood in front of his fuming bride, holding her arms from attacking him.

"What the hell, Ishaan!" She growled. She was ready to smack his head and break his skull using the antique wooden box which most probably held her family heirloom. 

"Listen, I know you are super angry with me. But you need to calm down, woman! Injuring me on the day of our wedding is not a good idea."

"Going MIA weeks before the wedding with absolutely no information about whether you will make it to our marriage or not, is okay?" Jiya asked, glaring at him as she fought to free herself from his hold. She really wanted to smack his head.

"It was an important mission, Jiya!"

"Great! Go marry your missions, then. I am out of here." With that, she kept aside the box and was about to take a few steps away when Ishaan, pulled her against him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close even as she struggled to get away from him.

"I promised you, I would be here, on time, didn't I?"

"I hate you!" Jiya grumbled. She was melting under the warmth of his hug and sure as hell didn't want her anger to falter. It was like wrestling against your own self. 

"... and I love you too much! I am sorry, sweetheart! I know I promised to be here two days ago.. but weather conditions were too bad and I couldn't travel on time."

"Then how did you make it here, now?" Jiya asked.

"Rudra helped. Trust me, he is quite a nasty fellow and now I owe him a huge ass favour. I just dread to think what he will make me do." Ishaan wondered with a shudder.

Jiya giggled, "Among all your friends, I like Rudra the most. I love the way he makes you squirm."

Ishaan broke the hug and glared at her, "Hey lady, you are marrying me! I won't allow you to drool over other men, no matter how hot they are."

"So you agree, I am the hotter one?" A strong and deep male voice filled the room. Ishaan and Jiya turned their heads to find Rudra standing by the doorway as a male model for a fashion magazine. In his crisp dark blue and white suit, he was drop-dead handsome. Jiya drooled over him, mentally of course. 

"What are you doing here?" Ishaan growled, still holding on to Jiya. What if Rudra stole his bride? 

"I was asked to inform both of you that if you guys don't make it to the venue on time, then Brigadier Amarjeet and his wife, Shilpa would marry each other again, instead of getting you both married."

Captain Of My Heart (Indian Army Romance #1)Where stories live. Discover now