Chapter 3

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Ishaan must have lost his mind or Jiya must be a witch

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Ishaan must have lost his mind or Jiya must be a witch. The possibility of the last statement weighed better than the former. She was definitely a witch. He would do whatever she wanted and she didn't even need to lift a finger to command him. It had happened a lot in past and it was happening now.

He must have seriously lost his mind for not taking her home like he was supposed to. "This is crazy!" Ishaan muttered as he drove the car towards a destination only Jiya knew. Definitely crazy.

Jiya giggled. "This is not funny, Jiya!" He commented sharply.

"Of course not! This is fun.! We are on a long drive.." When the memories flooded her mind, she looked out... "Do you remember Ishaan-"

"Stop! Jiya... Don't-"

Ignoring his warning, she continued to speak. "You... Me and Aman... We used to go on such long drives. Impromptu weekend trips. It was so much fun.."

Ishaan gripped hard on the steering wheel. "I miss Aman.. Do you miss him too Ishaan?" She asked. He swallowed the lump in his throat as his muscles tensed. Did he miss Aman? Good question.


Ishaan had met him at the Military Academy and they had been training buddies. It didn't take them too long to become best friends and they had vowed to keep it that way for the rest of their lives. After graduating from the academy, both welcomed the life of challenges with high spirits. They had each other's back all the damn time. Even fate seemed to be happy at their bond that they were often part of the same troop.

Aman was lot like Jiya. Full of life, free-spirited and impulsive. But he was also a bit more grounded and disciplined than her. Nothing in the world could ever come in between them.

Except for death.

When Ishaan's parents relentlessly insisted, he took a vacation and went home for the Navratri festival. It was 25th October 2015, and while Ishaan was enjoying his holidays in his native, Kerala, he received heart-wrenching news. It wasn't just him, the devastating incident had shaken the whole nation!

Somewhere during the dawn of 25th October, a military truck carrying essentials for a local shelter camp at Gurez Valley came under sudden attack by a group of terrorists. There were six soldiers in the truck, who were caught off guard, and it took them a moment before they retaliated with full force.

Aman, who was in that military truck, hadn't just fought with his comrades but also helped his fellow injured soldiers in moving them to a safe spot. If it wasn't for Aman who had alerted the nearby Army base right on time of the attack, the civilians who were on a bus behind the military truck would have met with the horrifying fate too. When the defending army troop arrived, It took nearly 10 soldiers to kill all 30 terrorists who besieged them.

Unfortunately, eight soldiers died that day, including Aman. He was cthe aught in middle during a grenade explosion, where he tried to deviate the terrorist's aim from hitting the civilian bus that was behind the truck. His body, torn apart into millions of pieces, was scattered around the valley. They had only managed to get a piece of his teeth and his burnt uniform to identify the body, or whatever remained of him.

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