fear 04

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Sunny pov:

I walked towards the door so I would leave basils house I had a lot of ideas to do. but as I was about to go. I remembered my card pocket was in my room. I decided to go basils was just about to wave I can see he was confused when I turned back to get my pocket. I left this time saying a real goodbye he smiled and wished me a great walk.

now i am walking on the sidewalk. I saw some nice decorated houses. It makes me happy to see parents playing with their children. So i just started to get out my phone and my earphones and started listening to my playlist. i was walking for god knows how much. I went a few blocks from basils house. To find the same house kel showed me earlier today. I decided to go and look at it. I saw that there weren't any lights on the house. Nor it's not cleaned its full of dust.

I came to open the door to be surprised it's locked. It didn't seem like any people lived there. But it may be their owner left. i saw that i can walk to the backyard. I did walk there i can see a yellow light from the neighbors I turned looking for a door. I found a glassy door. I tried pushing and pulling it. It didn't work. As i placed my hands trying to catch my breath i didn't realize my hands were sweaty that it pushed the door to the other side. I was stunned was i stupid by any chance?

I opened it and walked in. It was dark so dark i did open a flashlight on my phone. To look for the light switcher. I found one and tried on opening it. The sound made me jump. There the light opened not fully but i still can see. I see a carpet that seems to be not cleaned. I see some orange thing. i ignored it. To see something. People sitting having fun and there was an image of a violin.

I started to see blurry as I ignored it again to stay focused on this house. I walked to the kitchen to see nothing interesting. But then an image of a knife on a table. I turned to it and there was nothing.

My mouth was open now. I tried on closing my eyes and opening it. I wasn't hallucinating. It is this house. This house i know it. I know I lived here. I decided to leave the kitchen. I walked outside of it to meet another room. I was trembling by the side of it I didn't know why. I tried on moving but my body refused to obey me. I tried on calming myself trying to remember any good memories. still. I couldn't control it. I was starting to see black and white. I saw "something " the same thing staring at me. This time he did hold my chin. I can see from it eyes that IT smiling. I was sweating and trembling from that. I wanted to leave. But this thing! Pushed me to go to that room!?

i tried on stopping but it keeps pushing me. I didn't want to open the door. I couldn't even scream!? My body doesn't obey me. That something is looking at me deadly. i tried on calming myself again closing my eyes. Remembering people's words.

There wasn't any. I forgot.
What am i?
what am i doing here?
why am i closing my eyes?
why did I decide on going there?
is this real?
Am i real?
am i alive?
do I deserve this?
did i do this?
Do I deserve to live?
am i hallucinating?

i asked myself to open my eyes slowly to find this thing is gone. But i look at the floor to see blood on the floor? Why was that? I tried on raising my head I couldn't... "what is happening!?" I angrily whispered at myself.

To see the floor. I raised my head to see a person with blonde hair looking back at me. His face was all blurry. i tried to focus to see his eyes. Blue scared eyes. blonde and blue eyes.. he looked. Familiar. He looked okay but why was he scared at the beginning?
"THAT MEAN.!" He said half yelling at me.
i looked confused. What mean? what is this? Why does he look younger? i was about to open my mouth "THAT'S SO MEAN SUNNY!" He yelled again. What is going on? I have a lot of questions but the top one is. How the heck do i have 2 eyes staring at that boy who is crying and yelling at me? Was he angry?sad?afraid? From me?

"sunny. Don't be scared. I am scared too. But it's for the best" the boy spoke again. I looked at him to see he had a plant shear as he started to attack me with it. I looked for a weapon i looked at my hands to see it smaller i am so confused i looked at the boy he seemed angrier. my head started to hurt me out of a sudden i tried on raising it but i can't. I was about to fall till the light closed and i can feel my left eye is hurting me so much. i looked at the floor to see it was bleeding

"What the?" All i managed to say was this to look up to be greeted by the glassy dusty door. I decide to leave this was messed up. I was about to walk outside but i was about to fall. I didn't know why i couldn't manage to walk probably. I started to stick with the wall until i was facing the sidewalk. i was walking there was alot of shocking stares/confused/disgusted one. I didn't really know what to do at this rate. All i could do was to stay focused on the lyrics of the song to distract myself from people. I saw a figure of a short hair girl with a pinkish haircut. She stared at me blankly and ignored me. But in some way, i do feel as if i met her before. Still, I convinced myself to calm myself. I couldn't handle walking like this. I didn't even realize i was on the floor trying to breathe. the same women came rushing to me. She tried on slapping my face to see if i am awake or not. she saw my heart beat but i was already losing it. I didn't manage to open my eyes i closed it she did really say something but i only heard my name from her. am i? Fainting?

??? Pov
i was on the way to go to kel house. He doesn't know that it's different at an age like this to walk with this look haircut and due to my family issues i don't believe i am going to manage acting and just keep on arguing with kel all the time. I should take a break i hope they would really help me with this situation. i was now few blocks away from him. I felt a loud "ding" from my phone. I took it out of my bag. to see a message from kel himself.

You should arrive faster turtle😝

this made me ready to punch him when i arrive but the unexpected sight or person should i say? was on the way all i could was stare. Did I see him? Bleeding?? i should act cool.. I should act normal. I walked passed him and let out a breath of relief. But i did hear a loud thud behind me. I stare back to see him on the ground unconscious i rushed at him trying to wake him up. I saw him opening both eyes. The black one and the white that was full of blood. I tried on closing the blinded one. I was about to forget he was blind fuck. What kind of a frien- Person am i.
i slapped him multiple times to wake him. I checked if his heartbeat is normal or not. Turns out its very bad. His breath is starting to get slow. Without any minutes i called 911 while calling then i did CPR. "911 what's your emergency?" I heard. "Hello. I was passing by and found an unconscious person. I am doing the CPR as a nurse." I said trying my best to count equally to push his chest again and again. "Yes, we are on the way. Could you tell us what is near you?" the person said. "We are near the plaza just turn to the right and you will find us," I said seeing that this didn't work but i can see him trying to breathe. "Okay, a few seconds and we ll be there." The person said. I hummed closing Sunny's nose to check if he would breathe from his mouth which mostly is. No need for the mouth one then. I continued doing it to see him breathing not that slowly I checked his heartbeat it wasn't normal but quite slower than expected. I turned my back to see people holding him to get him to the car. I told the nurses what exactly had happened and what he needed. "Oh and about his eye. Just put a new bandage and clean his eye. The one on left is blinded by what I saw from his actions". I said. And left.
i saw 11 miss calls to see its from both hero and Kel. Jeez, calm down. i called hero because he would understand the situation.
"Hero here me. There is an urgent thing that happened and I didn't even expect it to happen.." i said breathing and trying to put on some perfume due to how i was sweating.
"What happened?" Hero said.
"I was walking by and passed by him," I said
"Him? which him you're talking about now?" Hero said.
"Idiot. It's sunny." I said
"Oh what happened then? Did he even remember you?" Hero said
"No. He fainted. I guess that was action because i think he tried on remembering me. Maybe because i saw him walking on the same street as yours. Did he visit you?" I said
"no!? Does that mean he entered his house!? Maybe he was looking through the street we shouldn't think of negative things." He said sounding so panicked.
"Hero calm down. What happened was his eyes started to bleed his heartbeat was about to stop. I managed to help a little but the rest is on 911" i said. Now was on their door.
"it's bad so bad. Why did this turn out like this? But he owes you a lot." Hero said
"Alright lets complete this later open the door," I said sighing through the phone.
"YOU ARE HERE ALREADY?"hero said shocked i can hear footsteps to be greeted with kel.

I am so sorry. I might not update but i will try on updating 2-3 chapters for today due to school well start tomorrow :(

1866 words

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