Chapter 2 Everywhere and Nowhere

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The chapter was getting too long so I am dividing it into two parts. The next part contains many things so stay tuned as I will be uploading it tomorrow. Enjoy the chapter!


It has been almost 7 months since the earthquake and 6 months since she is declared missing. It was a beautiful March going on with flowers blooming everywhere giving the sweet aroma of spring. Everybody was carrying out their life the way they could. They all still missed her but life doesn't wait for anyone.

Rahul Dravid joined back shortly after Dev joined, Rahul Dravid preferred to work then being at home. Dev and Rahul Dravid unknowingly formed a bond together as they both lost a special person from their life. Their bond was of understanding each other in situations. They understood if the other person didn't want to be in an event, meeting or the other person is feeling down. They both were introverts so they liked to deal with their situations by being aloof from everyone. They both understood each other because they both were going through the same phase. They both, several times, would just sit together having a cup of coffee with complete silence... they found comfort in that silence.

Another bond which formed over the months was of Radhika's mother and Vijeta Pendharkar. They both had lost their daughter and would call each other often. They would call and talk about various stuff related to Radhika and to check on each other. Their friendship had begun under not so great circumstances but it was getting stronger with time.

Shreyas and Ishwari too were getting along with each other well especially after the series of events they have been through. Ishwari shifted back to Mumbai to her family as she needed her family after everything happened. She was still grieving for her best friend who she missed every single day. Shreyas and Ishwari became each other's strength in this difficult time as they both needed someone in their to hold onto when the other was falling apart.

As it is said when people go through tough times it brings them closer together.

It was IPL season going on and RCB's camp started for the season and as last year Dev was the captain. The starting matches were in Bangalore itself. He knew he was given a big responsibility and the trust shown by Virat and AB were the only things which were pushing him to be strong and handle everything. He was working hard for the team as captain. Scheduling the training session, having meetings with the coach and team, monitoring the progress of the new ones and analyzing the best for the next match he was doing everything a captain must do but just mechanical. The fun Dev was long gone.

He used to practice and have those team bonding sessions but was never able to smile which would reach his eyes. He knew everybody around him was trying to make him feel better but he was just unable to. His smile, laughter, peace everything was gone with her. He missed her was an understatement because there wasn't a single moment where he was not reminded of her. For him she was everywhere but nowhere in reality.

He missed her when he would eat remembering all the times she would sit in his lap and feed him. He missed the food which she used to make for him, the way she used to smile big when they used to meet, when she hugged him tight after being away from each other for a long time, the way she used to kiss his forehead before every match wishing him all the best. He missed her more with each passing moment because she was in each and every small part of his life.

It was early in the morning and Dev was sleeping in his room. The alarm rang at 5 am waking him up.. Dev got up at the first ring and switched it off and got out of the bed and stretched a bit. It wasn't that difficult for Dev to get up as now he wasn't used to getting a deep slumber anyway.

He changed into gym clothes and went to the hotel's gym. He worked out for the next two hours and then got back to his room for shower. After shower he sat on his desk looking through some work related papers and typing away on the laptop. He was investing in some new business and he had to personally look into the matters, so now he had additional work with Cricket. He liked keeping himself busy.

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