Chapter 8 A Hint of Storm

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I am soo sorry for the late update and so grateful for all of you for waiting patiently and supporting my story. Thank you and enjoy the new update.


Radhika was actually feeling like her legs had turned into two logs of wood which made it difficult to walk but she was trying. She was taking the support of the rods but yet it was difficult to move and suddenly she lost her balance. Dev walked towards her in time when Radhika's legs finally gave up and she was gonna fall. Radhika looked up to Dev who held her by her arm and waist, "Aram se." Said Dev as he shifted all of her weight onto him to support her.

A faint smile appeared on her lips seeing him. Somehow every time she is about to fall, not just here, he was always there to hold her. All the previous smiles she had while training were fake, just to reassure people around her so they would not worry more about her. But even though this smile was faint, it was real.

Dev made Radhika sit back in the wheelchair as she whispered a small, "Thank you.". Dev just smiled and checked whether she was properly seated. The physiotherapist smiled and said, "Okay Miss Radhika I guess that's enough for day one. We will have our next session tomorrow." The family nodded as Dev then asked "Can we have her next session at home or do we have to come here everyday?" The physiotherapist thought a little and said, "We can do it at home as well but I would suggest practising here as there is better equipment here which would be beneficial for the patient."

Radhika looked at everybody and then asked, "Dev, yahi aate hai na. Thoda change bhi milega Varna Mai Ghar pe bore ho jaungi." Everybody nodded their heads in agreement as Dev said to the Physiotherapist, "Don't worry she would be coming here daily and I would accompany her." Radhika looked up at Dev and smiled.

After the talk they all walked back to the car as Dev again placed Radhika safely in the backseat and went to the Dravid's. They reached their house and Dev took Radhika inside. As they all entered the house Rohit came at the door and cheered, "Welcome! Dev bring Radhika straight to the dining table." After giving the command Rohit didn't even look back and went straight to the dining room.

Confused, they all followed Rohit and were surprised to see a variety of dishes on the table with Ritika, Anjinkya and Radhika D. standing there patiently with a simple. Dev smiled a little knowing this was their attempt of cheering up Radhika which can actually help. Dev placed Radhika on the chair who already had a big smile on her face which was a smoothing feeling for everyone there.

Ajinkya said, "So Radha, we have prepared all of your favourite meals for Lunch. Even..." Ajinkya signalled Rohit and he at once opened a lid of the plate and there were steamy Vada Pavs whose aroma spread in the entire room. Radhika took one of them as she exclaimed, "Vadapav! Here in Bangalore? Kaise?" Rohit raised his collar and said, "Don't you know? I am after all the smartest of all." "That's debatable." Said Virat sitting beside Radhika, not leaving a chance to tease his bestie.

Rohit snorted and said, "At Least it's better than whatever Ghas-pus you and KL give her." Rohit smiled proudfully as he gave his comeback, making Virat narrow his eyes at him. Virat was gonna say something to Rohit as well but then was stopped by the sound of giggling. Everybody looked at Radhika who was not just smiling but was actually laughing. Even if she had dark circles under her eyes and pale face, her smile was radiant enough to brighten the room.

Dev saw Radhika smiling and felt a relief wash over. After yesterday's incident, having her laughing was a good sign. All of the worries, tension went straight out of the window when he saw her smile. Virat and Rohit too smiled somehow proud that they were finally able to make Radhika smile.

Radhika failed to notice the smile on everybody's face as she said referring to the earlier fight, "Yaar bhai chodo na ab aur lunch karte hai. And Rohit Bhai these vadapavs are yum... Totally loved it!" Rohit smiled as Radhika D. Patted Radha's hair and said "Agar acha lage to aur Khao na." Radhika D. And everyone was quite happy to see her back smiling.

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