Chapter 9 Reinventing the old magic

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So sorry for the delay but last few months have been crazy. I hope you love the chapter which is also the longest one I have ever written, 12,000 words ;⁠)

Third Person Pov.

Radhika had stayed like that for a good amount of time. She kept running her hand through his hair while occasionally creasing his back or shoulders with the other. When she felt his muscles relaxed a bit, she softly asked him, "Dev, What happened?" He finally opened his eyes and looked up, still laying in her lap. Radhika gave a soft smile and cupped his face with one hand and asked again, "Kya ho gaya Dev?" Her small gestures were enough to make him peaceful.

Dev got up and sat in front of her, his legs buckled under him holding both of her hands in his. He looked at their hands and then looked up. The moment he looked into her eyes, he wanted to tell her everything. He wanted her to say everything would be okay, that she would be there with him. He didn't need any help from her but wanted the support as he knew she was the only person who would truly understand him. Understand all the hidden details of his words even if he didn't say it out loud.

Radhika waited for the Dev to open up. She could figure out from his face that something was bothering him. There was a turmoil of emotions going on inside him and she could feel that, which made her anxious as well but she kept her emotions in check. Her focus was him and to comfort him. She knew this was the point where she would have to be composed for him to say anything and everything on his mind, so she waited.

Everything was at the tip of his tongue but he didn't say it. Radhika had just gone through some life altering things and adding an extra burden was not what Dev wanted. For once he wanted to fight this battle by himself to keep her safe from everything. He could handle everything but didn't want to put Radhika under stress. So he decided this thing would be handled by him only.

He broke eye contact and looked around, telling her half truth, "I just got to know something big and I didn't know what to do, so I came here." Radhika scrunched her eyebrows together and asked, "What big thing?" Dev tried putting on his best smile and said, "I am going to be Vice Captain of the Team."

Radhika's eyes and mouth went big as she sat more straight and asked, "Seriously!?" Dev nodded his head and the next moment Radhika literally jumped on him in excitement. Due to the impact it made both of them fall on bed with Radhika on top of him. Radhika didn't break the hug as she said in excitement, "Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations!" Dev smiled and hugged her tight, blowing a breath. He knew he was lying to his Radhika and he hated it but he knew it was better this way.

Radhika parted a little bit with Dev still laying on bed anda him below her. She slapped his arm saying, "Pagal, mai dar gayi thi, ki kuch bura hua but this is such great news." Dev looked at her face which was glowing with happiness, he asked, "Are you happy?" Radhika rolled her eyes and said in a duh tone, "Ofcourse I am." She then got up and lifted her imaginary collars saying in full attitude, "Well I am now Would be finance to Mr. Vice captain of Indian Cricket Team." Dev chuckled and got up too.

Seeing her so happy he wanted to forget everything for that while. She further asked him, "Why did you scare me like that? I thought something bad happened as you looked so tense." Dev looked around, avoiding eye contact and said, "I was just a little nervous as this was such big news." Radhika tilted her face and took his face in both of her hands so he would be looking at her.

Radhika looked into his eyes and said, "Hey, I don't know about you but my Dev is very brave. He is strong, determined and smart enough to tackle any situation and I can bet my life on that. So never ever doubt my Devdutt, samjhe?" Faint lines of smile appeared on his lips as though he hadn't said anything, Radhika said the exact words he wanted to hear. Dev nodded slightly and said, "I will give my best." He meant it for everything.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2023 ⏰

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