20 rules of what reader is allowed and Not allowed list

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1- scp-(y/sn) or y/n is not allowed to use electric chair or ANY electric shocking device ON scp-xxxx AKA/yuna EVEN if yuna said it tickles not hurting her , incident happen in site-██  y/n wanted to try new game with yuna when she set in electric chair i don't know where she found it anyway, while the chair is on yuna start to laugh non stop until yuna release a large solar flare damaging the the site electronics and internet , lot of breach containment happen .      

2- y/n is allowed to visit other scp's , just let her visit them we don't want to suffer .

3- y/n not allowed to be with Dr.bright without supervision of a MTF or Dr.gears i don't know what idea's these DUO have . 

4- y/n is allowed to interact to scp-3812 the scp violent behavior is turn to calm and we thanked full for that .

5- y/n is allowed to have anime plushy's like naruto , nezuko , tanjiro , gaara , kakashi , hinata , and other anime plushy's . ( big sigh ) i didn't know that ████ is interested in this stuff . 

6- y/n is allowed in the future of any containment breach can help in containing other scp's , but we still keep on eye .   

7- y/n is allowed to have girl's night with scp females and researchers of course the room door have big sign wrote " Dr.bright NoT allowed or AnY male " from y/n .   

8- y/n is NOT allowed to leave EARTH this girl is gonna drive me crazy and she happy about that , that ████  ████ , y/n : what did you say? , Dr.██████ : N.nothing..     

9- y/n is not allowed to remove tracking callor or tracking device so we can find her , she always vanish .

10- y/n is allowed training her powers to controling them .  

11- y/n is not allowed to make computer virus named " BAD GUY " that virus damaged the scp foundation system and 0-5 , it was very hard to fix the system after that if she do it again will ███████████  if that's help us .

12- y/n is not allowed to take yuna's or scp-3293 technology creations for no reason yuna is too nice to be angry at her saying , yuna : will sisters always take each others stuff so i toke her beloved kakashi plushy she loves .  

13- y/n is not allowed to terrorize scp anomalies with scp-729-j this F***** thing with y/n are they trying to destroy the universe!!??? , Dr.hessen : Awww so cute he find a friend .

14- y/n is allowed to hangout with scp-999 for good behavior only .

15- y/n is not allowed to do pranks on scp-076 and Dr.clef .

16- y/n is not allowed to be scp-049's nurse helping him in his experiment research .  

17- y/n is not allowed to challenge yuna or play tag your it with her , their were too fast to tracking them scp-179 found them in Jupiter .

18- y/n is not allowed forcing MTF ( nine tailed fox ) wearing ninja clothes from naruto .

19- y/n is allowed vacation holiday after mission and also for good behavior .

20- y/n is allowed ██████████  █████  █████ ██████████ █████ , i don't know WHY 0-5 agree to this .

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