Lunch with SCP's

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Y/n's pov :

I was in my way to yuna's room so many stupid check points before i inter the hall finally found her room there was noises, like fight or something..i knocked at the door after a minute yuna opens the door " hi! why are you here y/n?" she asked " will is lunch time did you forget? the others are waiting for you" i said yuna looked troubled " what's wrong?" .

" know scp-4966 right? he stole all the biscuits and cookies from the scp storage now his hiding under my bed refusing to come out" yuna explained's i sighed interning her room which is COLD! can't stand that! .

I looked under the bed seeing scp-4966 nibbling on some cookie " come out munchi! those aren't just for you it's for all of us!" the name munchi yuna allways use for him ' is that my OREO'S!' i used my powers to pull both munchi and the food out "Hey! my food!" munchi yelled .

" We can all go to the cafeteria and eat whatever you like okay?" yuna said and he nodded now jumping in my arms all of sudden we saw some guards and doctors running in the hall but not scared " excuse me what happening?"yuna asked one of the guards stop "Oh! dr.bright stole ice-cream truck! huh unbelievable!" then the groud continue running "well let's go have lunch and dessert!" munchi exclaimed .

The lunch was great as always eating with my friends and some of my rivals "stop it.." i said while eating able was trying to stab me with his sword he smirked "i was just playing " he's sword vanish now continue eating his pizza .

Lunch some time goes crazy this time surprisingly was quite no containment breach everyone just chilling even the O-5, what is some people think is illegal about the stolen ice-cream truck but with us is pretty normal also who doesn't like free ice-cream? .

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