scp-2396( miss sweetie) x male/reader MTF (part 1)

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y/n's pov :

I was sent to re-contain scp-2396 i got description about that scp, a female approximately 2.5m tall, with pink hair and skin? .. why they gave me weird scp's anyway we are in the sit were the scp is i hopped out of the van so the other MTF's we entered the sit trying to find some survivors and maybe that scp .

We notice some crashed colorful things on the ground look like candy? also the body of doctor half of his body turned to candy i walked up to him checking if his alive '....' no response "his dead let's keep going until the girl team come around " the MTF leader said we found some of scp-2396 'toys' and fought them " shit they are quite strong like my grandma's candy " one of the mtf said " let's go! i found were she is!" the leader shout .

Now we run in a hall following the tracking collar of scp-2396 " what are you doing move!" the leader yelled at one of us who stops holding piece of candy he couldn't hold himself and eat it "No! spit it out!" i yelled but too late suddenly we heard soft giggles behind us, then we saw her scp-2396 ..she's cute to be that so called monster that doctors says even if she's very tall and i'm 5.11 tall guy 'What?! wake up from that you have to capture her before some one get hurt!' i thought " my..more toys to play with?~" she said with smoothing tone staring down at me ' i'm dead..' i gulped .




I was firing at her candyman's half of my team are down because of them " what bad boys destroying my toys " she said for some reason the candy didn't effect me in any way the others struggling to focus on the fight scp-2396 notice that and smiled at me , good thing my mask hiding my flushed face .

The girl MTF team finally arrived saving us scp-2396 doesn't look very pleased about other girls interact with me , we contained her again i sighed ' i can live again this time..' 

Or that what i thought..  


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