CH 1

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You pulled away from the hug. You were confused about everything.

Y/n : What do you mean that you are my brother??

Yoongi : You have really forgotten about me...*takes out a photograph and hand it to you* Don't you remember me??

You looked at the photograph. You suddenly got flashback when you were 12 :

Y/n : Brother why don't we have a family photo??

Yoongi : Hmm shall we take one??

Y/n : But father is not here-

Mr Lee : *enters* What are you talking about??

Y/n : Dad shall we take a family photo together??

Mr Lee : Okay anything for my princess.

Y'all went to get a family photo. Y'all got it taken and when y'all were on your way home, you were suddenly under attacked. Mr Lee's men protected y'all and took y'all to the safe house. Y'all came to the safe house.

Mr Lee : Yoongi it's not safe for you to be here.

Yoongi : Father what about Y/n??

Mr Lee : I'll take care of her for now you have to go to safety before I lose you.

Yoongi : I know father I'll do whatever you say.

Y/n : Brother please don't leave... Father don't send him away please...

Mr Lee : Princess if I don't send away your brother he will be killed we have no choice but to let him leave.

Y/n : *hug him and stubborn* No I'm not letting you go.

Yoongi : Don't worry I'll be back soon... Just wait for me.

He gave you a tight hug and broke it after some time. He left and you cried hard.

Mr Lee : Y/n you have to forget your brother that's the only way he can be safe...

Y/n : How can I forget brother??!!

Mr Lee : Don't worry I'll help you with it.

Y/n : What do you mean-

He injected you with something and you passed out.

End of flashback.

Your head was hurting a lot.

Y/n : Ahhh it's hurt...

JK : Babe what happened??

Yoongi : You remember now??

Y/n : *your eyes became watery*

You hugged him tight and he did the same.

Yoongi : I missed you too Lil sis.

Y/n : How could you stay away for this long??

Yoongi : I was always there Lil sis.

Y/n : No You were never there when I needed you.

Yoongi : That's not true I tried my best to be there for you but father stopped and left me in the shadows.

Y/n : In the shadows??

Yoongi : I came back on your 18th birthday but father stopped me and he said that I must live a quiet life and stay unnoticed like I'm dead to the world.

Y/n : W-what??!!

Yoongi : But I'm very stubborn like him I just watched over both of you in the shadows. I was there when father died and I saw how you settled scores.

Y/n : Wait are you the man that I saw at the funeral??

Yoongi : Yes I was trying to approach but I wasn't yet and you had some much going on.

Tae : When I was shot, he didn't hesitate to save my life.

Y/n : I'm so happy that you are alive and my brother is back.

You hugged them both tight. You broke the hug and Tae looked at your belly.

Tae : Are you pregnant??

Y/n : Umm Yes!

Yoongi : Wow Who is the father??

JK : I am

Tae : You??

JK : Yeah why??

Tae : Hmm nothing... I just want to rest now.

Y/n : Sure you must be tired, you too brother get some rest.

Yoongi : Okay Lil sis good night!

Y/n : Good night!

Tae and Yoongi went to their bedroom.

JK : My love shall we go to bed too??

Y/n : Sure let's go!

Y'all went to your room. Y'all came to your room and got ready for bed.

JK : Shall we cuddle??

Y/n : Sure!

Y'all cuddled and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, you wake up because you were thirsty. You saw the jug was empty so you decided to get up. You went to the kitchen.

You came to the kitchen and saw the lights were on. You saw Tae drinking water.

Tae : Hey Y/n do you need something??

Y/n : I came to get some water, I'm very thirsty.

Tae : Okay I'll get it for you.

He took the water bottle and gave it to you.

Y/n : *took it* Thanks!

You drank the water and felt hydrated.

Tae : Umm So you and JK are dating now??

Y/n : Y-Yeah...

There was awkward silence for a while.

Tae : Is that really his baby??

Y/n : Tae I'm tired it's been a long day I don't want to have this conversation.

Tae : It's okay shall I help you to your room??

Y/n : No I'll manage it's okay thanks, Good night!

Tae : Good night!

You went to your room. you came to your room and JK woke up.

JK : Babe Is something wrong??

Y/n : No I just went to get some water that all.

JK : Sorry I forgot to refill the jug.

Y/n : It's okay let's go back to sleep!

Y'all cuddled and went back to sleep.

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