CH 16

218 12 1

Y'all were so happy that Rowan is back in your lives. Everyone got a chance to hold him but when you held him once again, he touched your face and smiled, and utter baby words. This brought tears in your eyes, hanging on your eyelids.

Y/n : My baby, you are back home.

Jennie : He is such a sweetheart. He didn't trouble me at all when I was staying with him, but he certainly recognized you as his mother. He is smart for a 11 month old.

JK : We missed 11 months of his life.

Irene : You should be grateful that it just months and years. Some people are not lucky as you.

Tae : She is right, and this time we'll protect him no matter what.

Stella : You must be tired after a long journey.

Jennie : Oh Yes definitely!

Yoongi : Come with me, I'll show you your room.



ou were playing with Rowan in the cradle. He stretched out his little baby arm and touched your face, and he giggled.

Jin : *enters* He's cute.

Y/n : Can I ask you something??

Jin : Sure!

Y/n : Do you think we shouldn't do a DNA test for Rowan??

Jin : *sits on the bed* Hmm what do you think??

Y/n :  *sits next to him* I really don't know. I just want Rowan to know his bloodline.

Jin : *assure you* No matter who is the father, Rowan's bloodline will not change.

Y/n : *confused* What do you mean??

Jin : *shifts and took your hand into his* You trusted me with your secret, now let me tell you my secret.

Y/n : *held his hand* What is it??

Jin : *nervous* Tae and JK a-are... my brothers.

Y/n : *jaw dropped* A-As in... they are siblings.

Jin : Y-Yeah!?

Y/n : *shocked* Woah! This shit just got complicated. Two brothers dating one girl, OMFG!!

Jin : Yeah that why I don't want to tell them...

Jennie : *enters* Mmm you two make a great couple.

Jin : *annoyed* What do you want??

Jennie : I came to see my cute nephew.
May I??

Y/n : Sure!

She went to Rowan and played with him.

Jin : *upset* I'm sorry about earlier.

Y/n : *assure him* No need to apologize, they misunderstood the situation.

Jin : But Stella hurt me with her words.

Y/n : I know but put yourself in her shoes, how would you reacted if it was her and Tae??

Jin : *sigh* I know I would have done the same thing.

Y/n : She loves you and you love her too. I know it will be difficult to forget but don't be angry at her for long.

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