CH 7

286 15 2

Yoongi was banging at the door and y'all were panicking.

Y/n : Let face his wrath! Sooner or later he'll eventually find out.

Tae : But I'm not ready to die.

JK : Me too!

Y/n : I know but we have no choice. I'm opening the door.

You slowly unlocked the door and Yoongi was standing with his arm folded.

Yoongi : What took you so long to open the door??

You turned and saw the boys were hiding behind the door. You were signaling them to come out but they were stubborn to come out.

Yoongi : Y/N I'm talking to you!

Y/n : Br-brother I... *you get an idea*
I got my period... AHHHHH *pretends to be in pain*

Yoongi : P-period??... Should I umm take you home...

Stella : *enters* Y/n I brought the stuff you needed.

Y/n : I'm going to leave with Stella.

You took Stella and left with her.
Y'all came outside the nightclub.

Y/n : OMG thank you so much bestie.

Stella : What were you doing with Tae and JK in the bathroom??

Y/n : Umm nothing!

Stella : Hmmm are you sure??

Y/n : Yes 100% sure!

Stella : You know I'm not dumb right??

Y/n : Yes you are the smartest person in the world.

Stella : Whatever let's go!

Y'all got into the car and drove away from the night club.

Time skipped, y'all arrived at the house. Y'all came inside and went to your room. Y'all threw yourselves on the bed and faced the ceiling.

Y/n : Stella??

Stella : Hmmm...

Y/n : There's something I always wanted to ask you.

Stella : Go ahead.

Y/n : Why do we look kinda similar, like we have exactly same colour eyes and size. The same colour and length of the hair. Like we almost look the same like twins. When asked you about your birthday, you never told me all those years we have been together. But one day I saw father giving you a gift on my birthday but I thought it was just a gift but another day I saw it again. So please tell me the truth, are we related??

She got off her back and sat upstraight and you did the same. You took her hand and held it in your hands.

Y/n : Please tell me the truth...

Stella : Umm Y/n I should get going...

Y/n : Stella are you hiding something from me??

Stella : Y/n it's not like that...

Y/n : Then tell me!

Yoongi : *enters* I'll tell you.

Y/n : Br-brother...when did you come??

Yoongi : I followed you home, I was worried about you.

Y/n : What are you going to tell me??

Stella : No don't please...

Yoongi : Stella is your twin sister.

Y/n : *shocked and confused* W-what?? Is she... really my twin sister??

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