CH 3

380 16 2

After 1 year...

It's morning, You were getting ready for work. You came downstairs and met your brother and JK.

Y/n : Good morning!

JK : Good morning my love!

Yoongi : Lil sis we have a problem.

Y/n : I thought we took care of problems.

Yoongi : I guess it was not over yet...

Y/n : Is it about our territories??

Yoongi : Yes there's someone who is mysterious stealing our territories including our merchandise and clients.

Y/n : Aish we need to find them and get rid of them.

Yoongi : I'm already on it.

JK : Shall we get to work??

Y/n : Yes let's go!!

Y'all left the house.

Time skipped.
Y'all arrived at the Lee Group. Y'all came to the boardroom. Y'all saw someone sitting on your father's chair. He turned the chair and faced y'all.

Yoongi : Who the fuck are you?? Get the fuck off that chair.

Jimin : Are you jealous because it's suits me more??

Y/n : Are you going to play around or introduce yourself??

Jimin : My my... *walks to you* They didn't tell me what a beauty you are.

He was about to touch you but JK held his hand and death glared at him.

JK : Don't you dare touch her!!

Jimin : Well I'm Park Jimin, as in the son of that bastard you killed mercilessly. My father was such a fool letting my naive sister take over.

Y/n : Are you here to seek revenge??
Your sister killed my son!

Jimin : And that's not enough, I'll make your life a living hell. I'm the devil himself and welcome to hell.

JK : Get the hell out!!

Jimin : I'm already out.

He left with rage while smirking. You gripped on the table and you were finding it hard to breathe.

Yoongi : Sis are you okay??

Y/n : Give me some water!

JK gave you a glass of water and you drank it. You slowly calm down and breathing became normal.

JK : Are you feeling better??

Y/n : Yes... He reminds me of his father. I hate the sight of him.

JK : Don't worry I'll make you never see him again.

Yoongi : Don't pay heed to his words he's no match for your big brother.

Y/n : I know you are much worse than me and father.

Yoongi : So I'll protect you at any cost.

Stella : *enters* The clients are here.

Yoongi : Send them in!

The clients came inside.

Client 1 : You must be Mr Lee's son...

Yoongi : Yes I'm Lee Yoongi, shall we start the meeting??

Y'all settled down and started the meeting. You saw how your brother was gaining the client's trust by manipulating them. He was better than you and your father. The meeting ended and y'all got the deal. Y'all said your good byes to them and they left.

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