Secret Songbird

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Yuu sat amongst the other first years with Grim in her lap. She was flanked by Ace and Deuce who were in a heated debate over the latest incident at Heartslabyul. Epel and Jack sat behind her ignoring the banter and discussed subjects such as Spelldrive and Track. The entire student body had been gathered in the assembly hall for a special announcement. After the many various events she'd already experienced as a Night Raven College student, Yuu was both curious and a little wary of what was to come next.

When the big double doors opened and Dire Crowley strolled in with a pep in his step, Yuu's nerves shot up another inch.

"Good morning, students! I have wonderful news!" Crowley exclaimed with clear excitement. He practically skipped to the podium and turned to address the room. "Night Raven College will be the Venue for the Annual Charity Talent Show!"

"Talent Show?" Grim crossed his arms. "What's that?"

"It's a lot like the VDC. You perform as individuals or groups on stage, but instead of just music you can display any kind of talent. You can perform stage magic, dance routines, acrobatics, ventriloquism, you name it." Ace explained, clearly interested.

"Oh! Sounds like fun!" Grim clapped his paws together.

"As hosts of the talent show, it has been decided that one group per dorm will perform in order to show off the talent of our student body. The performance can be anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes long and all prefects are required to participate."

"Hah? Seriously?" This from Leona who slumped into his fist. "What a pain."

"Performing in front of a bunch of people? Oi, oi, oi, I didn't sign up for that. Isn't it bad enough I had to do that stupid star ceremony? Now this?" idia agreed in a series of mutters and mumbles.

"I expect each and every dorm leader to take this responsibility seriously, or the repercussions will be monumentous..." Crowley warned with thick sternness. "So figure out what kind of performance will best display you and the dorms you represent. The skies are the limit!" He waved his arms out, pausing for a long moment for effect. "Ahem... That is all."

"Well that was a short exposition..." Yuu muttered as Crowley brushed off at any attempts to argue.

"If you have any questions or concerns about the event, go to Mr. Shoenhiet for the details." Crowley added last minute and scooted out the door. "Dismissed!"

"I will never understand that man." Yuu sighed and shook her head. She stood up with the rest of the students and tucked her tongue in her cheek. "Prefects are required to participate, huh? Guess that means me too."

"No worries, Yuu, the Great Grim will perform with you so you don't embarrass yourself. Nyahaha!" Grim jumped out of her arms and did a little spin. "I can do anything after all."

"Except stay awake during history class." Yuu teased earning a grunt.

"Any ideas on what you'd like to do?" Deuce asked as the four of them walked back to class as a group. "If you want we can help out.

"Hey yeah, I'm sure King Riddle won't mind since it's just you two." Ace added.

"I appreciate the offer, but it's probably for the best if Grim and I do this one alone. Maybe we can do kind of a twist on a lion taming gig and I'll make Grim jump through a hoop." Yuu giggled and earned a glare from her dorm mate.

"I heard that! If anyone's jumping through a hoop it's gonna be you!"

"Hahaha, well the offer still stands." Ace patted her on the back and they all took a seat and prepared to be bored senseless as Professor Trein started his long lecture on royal lineages and noble families.

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