Ridiculous Routine

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Too much...

Yuu stared down at the mountain of boxes and gift bags her new and doting Father had sent her. She knew it was from him because the gifts had come with a note saying:

To my beautiful Yuuki,

For all the birthdays, Christmases, and special events I missed before. Let's look forward to the ones to come.

Love, Papa.

P.S. I tossed in a few for Grim too, so he doesn't feel left out.

"16 years worth of gifts in one sitting." Yuu picked up one bag and winced. She knew a brand label when she saw one. "Just how loaded is your dad, Vil?"

"Our dad," Vil corrected her and hooked an arm around her shoulder. "You should get used to lavish gifts from him. We're not as wealthy as the Asim family, but his career has given us a very comfortable life. He's always wanted a daughter to dote upon."

Grim, who'd just gotten his casts off that morning, was having a ball climbing around and checking all the boxes. Yuu could only imagine he was trying to deduce which ones were his.

"Ooooh look at this pillow! It's so fluffy!" Grim plopped on top of the down pillow with silky fabrics and rolled around on it. "Nyaa... so comfy! I call dibs!"

"It's all yours Grim." Yuu laughed and opened a random box. She picked up the dress and held it up to her. "So fancy... I don't know when I'd have the occasion to wear half of these clothes."

"That dress you're holding might be a good choice to wear to Malleus' wedding." Vil commented offhandedly and immediately regretted it when he saw the look on her face. "My apologies, I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's okay... I'm mostly over it. Just wish I didn't feel so idiotic." She sighed and set it down in the box. She looked up and smiled coyly. "Ah well, my date will be prettier than his anyway."

"Hahaha!" Vil let out a genuine laugh of delight. "Oh I'm gonna enjoy having you as my sister." He pulled out his phone, checking the time. "Speaking of which, let's sort this all out and get started on our training. We've got a lot of ground to cover."

He set his phone back in his breast pocket then pulled out his wand. With a wave he had the boxes unpacked, sorted and set in its proper places within moments. One of the boxes floated into Yuu's hand and she admired it with a raised brow. When she opened it, her eyes went wide.

"A cell phone?" She pulled it out of the velvet lined box. It was already charged and put in a pretty case of violet with her name bedazzled on the back. "Why did he give me this? I already have a phone."

"An emergency use only, phone that that penny pinching Crowley pays for. This one you have more freedom to do other things such as download games and properly update your Instaglam." Vil pointed out. "Since you're gonna be a celebrity, you need to get in the habit of maintaining your social media account

"Ugh... You mean like you and Cater?" Yuu's brow twitched.

"It doesn't have to be as extreme, but one or two posts a day is critical. The world is curious about you. Introduce them to who you are. Your likes, dislikes, your friends, special events, that sort of thing... but make sure it's appropriate and picturesque."

He took her phone and opened the app. He smiled.

"Looks like dad already did you the favor of uploading pictures and videos from your performance. Your adoption photo is on there too." He handed it to her. Yuu looked down and nearly choked when she saw the amount of views and comments.

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