Quick Question

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~Campus: Infirmary~

Yuu squirmed in Leona's lap, her body jerking at every sound thinking someone was gonna come in. She heard Leona grunt and groan when she did, and his hold on her shifted.

"Will you stop squirming, Princess? I can't sleep with you wiggling like a worm." He hefted her on the bed and lay down beside her, keeping his arms wrapped tight around her. "Just relax."

"How can I relax when I've got over a hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle holding me down?" She squirmed again. "Come on Leona, I have to get back to practice or Vil will-"

"Just shut up," he pinned her down to the bed glaring down at her. "I'm trying to be affectionate, and not aggressive but you're making it really difficult when you keep fighting me. I thought this is what you wanted."

"I... that is..." she turned her head away blushing. " I don't know. This is all happening so suddenly. I thought we were friends not-"

"I've never thought of you as a friend..." he growled between his teeth and had her eyes widening with hurt.


"We were never friends... prey, acquaintances, classmates maybe, but I never put you in the friend category."

"That's a bit mean to say considering everything we went through together." Yuu sniffed back tears, refusing to let them fall.

"Stop with the tears, princess." Leona huffed and loosened his grip so she could wipe them away herself. "I didn't think of you as a friend, because I was too busy being annoyed by how attracted I was to you."

"Huh?" Her teary expression turned to a look of confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I knew it from the first whiff of your scent that I wanted you. It was right after you stepped on my tail so I was already annoyed, and then there you were, this tiny female without an ounce of magic looking up at me with your clueless big green eyes and..." he grit his teeth and without another word he closed his mouth over hers.

Yuu's eyes widened, and she lay still and completely dumbfounded. His hands started to touch and she panicked. She pushed him back, her hand whipping out and slapping him across the cheek.


"Oh God, I'm sorry." She sat upright as Leona moved to let her up.

"GEEZ! WHAT THE HELL?" He rubbed his cheek. "A simple no would have sufficed."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just panicked." She covered her face, looking horrified. "I just can't believe you did that."

"I can't believe you had the gall to slap me, what the hell is your deal?"

"I told you it was too sudden, I can't keep up. I'm confused." She tried deep breaths to stop the panic attack from bubbling up. "I'm still trying to cope with the Malleus thing, and now all of sudden you're showing interest and my body is reacting in ways I've never experienced before and it's just.... Too much!"

"Yeah well start wrapping your head around it, Princess, because I'm telling you that this isn't going away any time soon." He stabbed a finger in her face. "I'll give you time, but don't expect me to be patient. My kind isn't known for holding back our natural instincts."

"I got that message loud and clear." She ran hands through her tousled mop of hair. "I gotta go, Vil will be back soon and we have a dance routine to learn."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." He may back down rolling over so his back was to her. Yuu stalled by the door, looking back at him.


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