Perilous Premiere

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Author's Note: I hope you guys liked the lyrics for the song. I wasn't sure if I should write my own or borrow from an artist like before, but some friends convinced me to stick to my guns! :) Thank you my fellow Yuuniverse buds! 

Yuu stood in the booth, her breath trembling out as she got ready to sing her finished song. She looked through the window at Vil and her father, she could actually bring herself to call him that now. They smiled at her encouragingly.

"Thanks again for doing this last minute, Miss Shoenhiet." The Audio Director's voice spoke, tinny from using the speaker of the recording booth. "The first draft of your song was beautiful, and we got the audio for the film, but for the official release the director really wanted to go with your final draft and slow it down so it's not so poppy and more subdued and soulful."

"It's no problem, I'm glad he liked my edited lyrics. I was just gonna request that he approve them for my solo album but this is better." Yuu beamed as she adjusted the headphones on her ears. "Ready when you are."

"Alright, Yuuki Shoenhiet track 13 take one..."

The metronome counted the beats before the music started. The elegant piano solo fluidly played in her ears, building to her first verse. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and recalled her lessons. Sing from the heart, let the emotions of the song flood within you and make it breathe with life.

...And immediately thought of Leona as she crooned out the first note..

Never thought this would happen to me.

Never thought I'd feel this way.

Always thought you'd walk away from me.

Always thought I had nothing to say.

Never thought I'd hear a kind word from you.

Never thought I'd want to embrace you.

But now that I do, I'm so scared

I don't know what to do here.

The chorus built up, the music swelling both in her ears and through her heart.

All of a sudden, I can't breathe.

Your voice, your touch, it's killing me.

My head is spinning, my body's shaking

Everything inside me's aching.

You leave me... Breathless!

Absolutely, Breathless!

Can't help but feel Breathless!

Look at me!

Why can't you see...

That I'm, Breathless!

Positively, Breathless!

I don't want to be, Breathless...

Breathlessly in love... with you.

In the recording booth, her family and the staff watched in awe, and listened. The sound specialist let out a low whistle.

"Listen to that... she's really pouring her whole heart into this." He grinned.

"Of course she is," Vil crossed his arms. "We Shoenhiet's don't do it any other way."

"Well said, son." Eric slapped a palm on his son's shoulder. As the song ended he applauded with fervor. "That's my girl, oh Yuuki sweetie, that was beautiful!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2023 ⏰

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