Narcissistic Nemesis

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Yuu sat still as a statue as the professionals around her did their jobs. As her face was moisturized, massaged and painted, she felt the pull and tug of the stylists crimping and curling her hair. Her fingers and toes were soaked in a clear soapy liquid before their nails were buffered, filed, and polished in a deep violet color.

"How'd I let you talk me into this?" Yuu asked Vil, who was in the chair opposite her receiving the same pamper treatment.

"Trust me, my dearest, you'll love it when it's finished. In the meantime, just cope with the discomfort." He sent her a smug smile. "Besides, you're looking fabulous."

"I'm looking, blonde!" She jerked her head upright, earning a hiss of disapproval from the stylist. "I thought you said these changes would be made with magic and would be temporary."

"That was the original plan, but with the way our schedule is looking, it'll be easier if we use magic to turn you back into a brunette for school, and keep you blonde full time. You should be happy, Yuuki, you nailed the audition and got the lead. Do you know how often that happens to first timers?"

"I'm guessing it doesn't?" She relaxed a little when the makeup crew finished up and left her alone with the stylist who was busy fussing with her curls. The short bob gave her a very angelic and youthful look. They'd removed her glasses and replaced them with colored contacts to give her the same violet colored eyes as Vil.

"It's an extreme rarity, even with me serving as your influencer. I honestly thought it was a lost cause when I heard you were going up against the top actress in Twisted Wonderland." Vil picked up the newspaper from his lap and held it out. On the cover was a ridiculously beautiful woman with huge butterfly-like wings of baby blue, and midnight black hair that fell past her waist. Her eyes were the same color as her wings, a sweet baby blue that Yuu knew from experience could go ice cold.

"Don't remind me..." Yuu lifted her eyes to the ceiling. "That woman unnerves me."

"As she should. Elena Mariposa has got more credibility than Niege. She holds the highest record of awards and achievements by a female actress and has gotten even more press since getting engaged to Malleus. Yet you still got the part. Do you realize how amazing that is, Yuu?"

"I'm starting to..." Yuu shut her eyes, and recalled their first meeting at the audition.


Nerves wound Yuu's stomach tight as she and Vil warmed up together in the large ballet studio where they were holding auditions. All around her were beautiful and glamorous people of all species and ethnicities. More and more she wondered how someone as plain and new to the industry like her was gonna compete against all these seasoned veterans.

"You're sabotaging yourself." Vil warned her and cupped her face in his hands. "The only person you need to be looking at is yourself.... And me of course since I'm your partner."

"Vil..." she fidgeted and took a long shaky breath. "I wish Grim was here, at least his commentary would keep me distracted from these thoughts in my head."

"I know, but you heard Crowley. His grades can't afford the absences." He gave her cheeks a pat. "Besides, he would have been bored senseless tagging along with us."

"Good point." She laughed and inhaled deep before sweeping her hands down to touch her toes. When her head came up, they locked eyes with a stunning pair of blue orbs that seemed to stare right into her soul. "GAH!"

"Elena!" Vil exclaimed, just as surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Vil! What a lovely surprise. I was hoping you would be here." Elena smoothly kissed both Vil's cheeks in greeting and then turned those eyes back to Yuu. "When I saw that photo of you and your new sister practicing ballet, I had a feeling I'd see you at these auditions."

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