Perfect Performance

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Author's note: In case you haven't figured it out by now, the lyrics I'll be using are from "Belle" the animated motion picture directed by Mamoru Hosoda. The movie takes a lot of inspiration from Beauty and the Beast and modernizes it. I thought it was perfect for this fic. You can listen to "Gales of Song" on youtube and Spotify, and the movie itself is on HBO.


Yuu inhaled deep as she attempted to calm her temper with yoga and meditation. She'd cleared out the livingroom of any obstacles and had laid out the yoga mat Vil had given her. Now with calm and serene music playing over a portable speaker she slipped from one position to another, slow and steady.

OOOH SHE WAS FURIOUS! How dare he? How DARE Leona accuse her of being some kind of love sick puppy where Malleus was concerned?


Okay, so he wasn't entirely wrong. Malleus did enjoy teasing her and occasionally showed his affection by touching her, but it wasn't the aggressive and brutish kind of manhandling Leona had forced on her. Just because Leona had a pretty face, and a nice body, and was an extremely wealthy prince didn't mean she was gonna tolerate his physical assault!

"The pig... pig lion! Oooh if I could use magic I'd give him a snout and a curly cue tail just to show how much of a PIG he is!"

She blew out a long breath as she lifted her leg up and over her head. The stretch felt good and released the tension in her body. She smiled and let out a little hum of pleasure.

"Thats better. I am calm..." she told herself, slowly inhaled and exhaled. "Whew, I am relaxed. I am fluid as water, and as light as air. I am rooted to the earth, and the fire within is contained within my spirit. I am... at peace." She smiled.

"What you are is a pretzel with one too many twists." Ace's voice teased from behind her.

"... and there goes my peace." Yuu rolled her eyes and lowered her leg so she was at ease. She turned to the doorway to see not only Ace, but Deuce, and Epel as well. "Didn't you guys say you'd be helping Grim with his routine?"

"Yeah, well about that-" Ace rubbed the back of his head. "Grim kinda got caught in his cape, and it sent him hurdling onto the ground. He's in the infirmary."

"Oh my god! Is he okay?" Yuu stepped towards them looking horrified. "How bad is he hurt?"



"I'm sorry, Yuu..." Grim sat in bed, all four of his legs bandaged. "I was trying to do a super cool spin move to impress the audience, but it went wrong."

"Oh Grim..." She pet him between his ears. "You don't need to apologize, I'm just relieved you're not more seriously injured."

"I wanted to be in the talent show with you..." he cried. "I wanted to show off and have everyone praise me, but now everyone will laugh at me."

"No they won't," Yuu soothe and gently picked him up so she could cuddle him. "I won't let them."

"Yuu... I'm hungry."

"Of course you are," she giggled and kissed his fuzzy cheek. "Let me take you back to the dorm. I'll get you settled in bed and make you a big supper for all that hard work you put in."

"Yuu... I heart you!" Grim whined and cried into her shoulder the entire trip back to the dorm. As promised she got him settled into their bed and fed him a big fish dinner with all his favorite sides. Once he'd eaten, Grim slept like a baby.

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