Brother Bonding

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Author's Note: I noticed a little too late that I'd been putting the wrong name for the instagram spoof. It's Magicam not Instaglam, not even sure where I got the two confused. I'll rectify it at my earliest convenience.

Secondly, I understand I'm tiptoeing dangerous territory here, but I'm hoping you'll all understand that this physical relationship I've created between Yuu and Leona is there to help the story progress and not as meaningless smut. If you've any concerns with this please let me know and I will do my best to adhere to it.

Yuu stirred awake in the early morning, the sun had yet risen, but there was an amber glow emitting from somewhere. She blinked her sleepy eyes realizing the glow came from a nearby lamp that had been flicked on. She yawned and sat up, the sheet her limbs were tangled in were ridiculously soft and bougie. The bed itself was grand in size, and she felt like she could spread out and still have room for three more people.

"Hmmm? Vil?" She stared bleary-eyed into the dimly lit room, wondering if she'd been moved into Pomefiore.

"Guess again." Leona's voice startled her from behind. She felt the bed shift with weight and glanced back to see the lion prince lounging beside her.... Naked from the waist up.

"Leo... ooooh right." She held her head. "So it wasn't a dream. That really happened."

"Too late to regret it now, princess." He tucked his arms behind his head. "Cry about it if you want."

"If I recall correctly you were the one who ended up crying, Leona." She winced, her muscles screaming from overexertion.

"You tell anyone about that, I'll make you cry for an entirely different reason." He glared at her... but then his face softened when she lowered the sheets. Rolling towards her he reached out and stroked the bruises on her wrists. "You alright?"

"A little sore, but I've had worse." Sensing his guilt, she lay back down and turned towards him. "I don't regret it, Leona... despite the aches and pains, I really enjoyed it."

"Good," he stroked her hair and brushed his thumb along her cheek. His eyes went uncharacteristically gentle, and it made Yuu flush and fidget.

"Um..." she let out a nervous laugh. "I should probably go before the rest of the dorm wakes up for practice." She started to get up, but he pulled her back down right on top of him. "Hey!"

"What's your rush, princess?" He trailed a hand up her spine, making her shudder. "Afraid I'll ruin your reputation?"

"No... more like I'm afraid Vil will try to kill you if he finds out what we did." She straddled his stomach sitting upright. He'd been nice enough to give her his P.E shirt to sleep in, so she remained modest but still exposed.

"The key word there is try." He shifted her lower and made Yuu tense up. "Relax... you can go back to your overbearing brother in a minute. Let me just enjoy this while I can."

"What do you mean while you can?" Her hands covered his on her hips, the touch so gentle it caught Leona off guard. "Was this... a one time thing?"

"Do you really want this kind of relationship with me on a regular basis?" His voice went gruff, even as his hands wandered. "I'm not exactly what you'd call a doting boyfriend. I'm selfish, and possessive."

"I don't need you to be doting, Leona. I get enough of that from Vil and my new foster father." She paused for a minute, contemplating on what to say to him. "It doesn't have to be permanent, or loving, or even long term. I will settle for whatever you have to give me."

"Settle?" He scowled at that, and his hands stopped at her waist gripping it firmly to keep her in place. "You shouldn't have to settle for anything or anyone."

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