Erratic Engagement

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Chapter 10: Erratic Engagement

Yuu went from euphoria to utter shock as she felt herself being ripped away by multiple hands. She heard Leona grunt in annoyance, and Vil's angry voice echoing throughout the ballroom and the halted applause followed by murmurs of confusion.

"Vil?! Tsunotaro!?" Yuu looked at both men with wide eyed astonishment. She expected the outburst from Vil, but not Malleus.

"I appreciate the assistance, Malleus, but I shall take it from here." Vil kept Yuu firmly in hand all the while glaring at Leona.

"Forgive me." Malleus released her, his arms folding so as to resist the urge to pull her further away. "I'm not sure what came over me."

"I do," Leona snickered under his breath, but kept his face composed. "Is there a problem here? I was under the impression that any man invited here was open to courting your sister."

"Courting and proposing are two entirely different matters, you-" Vil pushed Yuu behind him and stepped towards Leona looking ready to hit him.

"Vil!" Eric grabbed his son's arm. "Don't do anything rash. I realize you're in shock but this is not the time to lose your temper."

"I'm aware of that... which is why I must ask Leona to come with us so we can discuss this... spectacle in private." Vil seethed, his violet eyes flashing hot.

"Lead the way, brother-in-law." Leona smirked, his drawl voice adding a layer of irritation to the statement.

"Do please excuse us ladies and gentlemen." Eric took the floor, addressing the guests. "In light of this news, Vil and I must discuss future plans with the young couple. Please continue to enjoy the festivities."

He snapped his fingers and the band began to play again. The four of them then left the ballroom and took occupancy of a nearby empty classroom. Vil waved his hand to soundproof the room and keep the discussion quiet from any eavesdropping.

"Now then... I'm not at all shocked that this beast of a man had the gall to ask my attractive and naive little sister to marry him... but what I am shocked about is that she actually said yes! What were you thinking, Yuu? Why would you agree to marry him of all people?"

"Vil I understand you're upset, but you don't have to be. This is what I want." Yuu held her chest.

"Why!? You yourself said he was an arrogant, and selfish pig." Vil retorted and had Yuu glancing down at the floor.

"I did say that, didn't I?" She mumbled, not wanting to meet Leona's eyes just then.

"Doesn't surprise me considering how this whole thing started... but it's too late to take that all back now." Leona shrugged off the insult.

"I do think you're taking this way out of proportion, son." Eric patted Vil's shoulder. "The whole point of this party was to find Yuu a good match, after all. Leona is a prince, he comes from a respectable and wealthy royal family, and can support her and her career."

"Can and will are two different things. He's capable of supporting her, but whether or not he'll actually step up to the task is yet to be seen." Vil argued.

"If that's what my bride wants to do with the rest of her life, far be it for me to stop her." Leona smirked. He reached out to take her hand, but Vil stepped between them. "You really should get used to me touching her, Vil. We've been doing more than hand holding for several months."

"MONTHS?! When the hell did this even start?" Vil whirled on Yuu who went blue faced.

"Erm... awhile..." She scratched her cheek.

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