Crazy Cotillion

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"Ow! Mercy!" Yuu wheezed as Vil cinched her into a corset. "I can't breathe, Vil!"

"I know it's uncomfortable, but try to hang in there. I've only got two left. One!" He yanked the strings tight making her wheeze. "Two!" The last one had her collapsing forward on the bed. "There we are!"

"Ugh, my intestines are in my lungs now." Yuu breathed out slowly and rubbed her stomach. "Do I have to wear this thing the entire night?"

"I'm afraid so, Dearest." Vil helped her to sit. "It's perfect for posture training though. Look at how straight your back is now."

"Well, I will admit my back hurts less. Just wish I could say the same for my ribs." She groaned.

"Your stomach is so tiny in that, how is she supposed to eat anything in that thing, Vil?" Grim inquired with a wince.

"In small snippets. Relax. Corsets are an essential fashion must amongst the Debutantes in the Pyroxene and the Shaftlands."

"Have the women there learned not to breathe?" She wheezed again. "Do I really have to do this Cotillion thing?"

"Yes, Yuu. You've made your professional debut, but now it's time for your societal debut. It's essential for young women in our world. It's the best way to make the right connections, and marry the right man."

"Well it all seems very old fashioned to me." She pouted. "Where I'm from girls don't even think about all that until after they graduate."

"I know our world is different from yours Yuu, but you've chosen to stay here so need to adhere to its rules. Besides, it's tradition not old fashioned. The music and entertainment are modern, with a few exceptions. They still require you to dress a certain way, and act a certain way, but manners are never old fashioned. Also you'll have young women your age, who have gone through this and can relate to you. You'll have fun, Dearest, trust me."

"You invited all of our friends, right? I really want people there I'm familiar with so I don't feel so out of place." She admired herself in the mirror, fussing with the blonde hair she was still getting used to.

"I have... and I hope it's okay but I invited Malleus and Elena as well." He watched Yuu's hands stiffen as they fussed with her hair. "I know you and Elena aren't on the best of terms but..."

"No, no it's fine. Malleus invited us to his wedding, it'd be rude if I left them out." She turned towards him again. "Besides, I really should try to make peace with her. I don't know why she dislikes me... but I want to get along with the woman who Malleus fell for."

"That's my girl." Vil kissed her forehead and gave her a hug.

"Vil..." Yuu hugged him back. "You're really doing all this to help me right? You're not doing this to make me your barbie doll or something right?"

"Barbie doll?"

"Other world reference... uh, you know, dress up. Puppeteering so to speak."

"Absolutely not!" Vil glared and put his hands on his hips. "Get any thoughts of that out of your head now, young lady." He wagged a finger in her face. "I don't know who put that into your head but it's rude and insulting. If you truly don't want any part of this then just say the word. I will not be accused of being some kind of overbearing self obsessed tiger mom."

"You mean you're not? Owowow!" Grim whined when Vil grabbed his cheek and pulled hard. "Okay okay I'm sorry!"

"Just so we're clear, I'm only hard on those who will actually learn from it. I've long since given up trying to teach YOU any manners, Grim." He released him with a huff.

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