Lazy Lion

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Leona grumbled as he heard voices coming down the path in the courtyard. He'd just woken up from his nap and was feeling groggy and cranky. After the headache he'd had to endure this morning, the last thing he wanted was to deal with people. His brow rose when he spotted the herbivore of Ramshackle Dorm coming down the path with Grim at her heels. She carried a shiny garment in her arms and was talking in a way that made her whole face light up with excitement.

Their eyes met, and her chatter ceased. She stalled her stride, like a deer caught in headlights. He smirked a little, the sight of her sizing him up stirring his carnivorous nature. It always gave him a bit of a thrill to watch the emotions play on her face. She looked like prey, all tiny and petite, and smelled like prey, all sweet and mouthwateringly seductive. The only thing that threw him off was her lion heart. She was kind, generous, brave, and witty with just a hint of sass and sarcasm in her words to give her that sharp edge. It was stupidly appealing.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me, or are you gonna say hello?"

"Hmmm?" Yuu blinked, not realizing that she'd been staring. She'd seen him approach, his stride had been stiff and bristled which made her realize he was in a bad mood. She'd expected to be ignored not interrogated. "Sorry. Hello, Leona."

"What no senpai added to that?" He stepped closer to her, liking the way she hesitated and stopped herself from retreating. As the tension between them rose, she scowled at him.

"Grim, go ahead to the dorm. I'll catch up."

"Huh? Why?" He started to protest be she nudged him with her foot. "Alright, alright I'm going. Sheesh." Grim eyed Leona as he padded past them both. Yuu waited til they were alone before looking Leona in the eyes.

"Okay, you're clearly cranky after your nap and I didn't want you taking it out on my friend. So let's have it out. What's eating you?"

"Nothing, I'm on top of the food chain, remember?"

"Hardy har, har..." she rolled her eyes.

"So... you gonna say it or am I gonna have to make you?"

"Why should I call you senpai? None of the others ask me to, and I'd hardly call you my superior when we're both prefects and are in different dorms anyway." She huffed and made him chuckle low in his throat. The sound came out almost like a growl.

"Who'd want such a meek little thing for a kohai, anyway?" He picked up the sleeve of the dress admiring the shimmer. "Playing princess with the pompous fools at Vil's dorm?"

"At least they're helpful." She stuck her tongue out at him, and yelped when he backed her into the wall. "Hey! What's with you today?"

"I'm just irritated in general, and you're a convenient stooge. I'm being forced to participate in a lame event, my dorm mates have been giving me grief over what we should do and if they can participate. Not to mention Ruggie has been gone the last two days due to some family issues and so I've been forced to do menial tasks that are beneath me..."

"...aww poor baby." She said sarcastically and flinched when he caged her in between his arms. Her eyes flicked back up to his defiant, but still frightened. "You're really manly, you know that? A regular tough guy picking on the weak."

"You're anything but weak, Yuu." He whispered huskily, his teeth baring as he debated on whether to bite her or pull her in closer. That scent of hers was driving him crazy.

"Eh?" Surprise lit her eyes now as she stared into his, admiring the rich green color with flecks of gold that made her think of the bright bold sun. Her breath shuddered out of her and she clutched the dress to her body as if to use it as a shield against him. "What do you mean?"

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