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False alarm.

Nothing was broken.

Carly was so relieved to see the X-Rays come back and to hear the Doctors say nothing was broken. The only damage was a huge bruise on her right ribcage. It hurt when she moved, but nothing an icepack can't fix. 

Thankfully the next game wasn't until next Friday.

Speaking of tonight's game, Sherman Oaks High lost. There goes the undefeated record they were aiming for.

"Pumpkin you ok?" Carly's dad asked his daughter. He knew what she was thinking about. He too was in her shoes back in his days.


Brennan chuckled and sat down on the chair next to the bed she was on. Cindy was currently filling out paperwork to get their daughters discharged. "I know that look. I had that look too."

Carly sighed. Of course her dad had this look. He was an all time, record breaking, baseball player back in the day. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Always so stubborn. Just like your mother." Brennan said, taking the girl's hand. "It's only 1 game ok. Season just started too. Don't worry about today's lost. Things happen. What matters now is that you are doing ok. You can't do your best if you're not 100% all the time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"I'm not." Carly shook her head. She knew she was being unreasonable. 

"Pumpkin I know how stressed you are that UCLA hasn't said anything yet." Carly looked down to her lap. "UCLA isn't the only option you have."

"It's the only school I want to go too. You know that."

"I know." Brennan couldn't help but chuckle at how similar his daughter is like him. How they both thought about the same thing at the same age. "I thought I was gonna go to Vanderbilt but things change, plans change, and you just gotta accept things happen for a reason. And I'm not saying not getting into UCLA happened for a reason, but it's just junior year. Enjoy it. If you worry too much about what school you'll end up going to, you'll lose yourself and sooner or later you'll regret you focused too much on that rather than blacking out for the first.

"I'm not even old enough to drink yet."

"You and I both know high school parties exist. Are you forgetting you came home drunk after Ben's party?" Carly cringed from that memory. "And don't worry about what mom and I will think what school you'll choose. We'll be happy with wherever you wanna go, just as long as you're happy."

Carly smiled and nodded. "Thanks dad." She knew her dad was right. He was really the only one who knew what she was going through right now. Hell he went through it himself.

If she focused too much about getting into UCLA, she would make herself miserable. She needed to enjoy her youth.

If she was meant to go to UCLA, then it'll come.

She shouldn't have to force it.

Trust the process Carly Tan.

"Let's go sweetie. Eddie and Lily are outside waiting." Cindy smiled at her daughter, giving her a change of clothes.

Even if she didn't get into UCLA, she at least still had her parents, cousin, and best friend.

Nothing was gonna change that. 

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