chapter 2- special detachment?

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"But you did that already? It was right after you graduated from the Academy," Blair wondered aloud.

"Yeah, I know. I'm not doing the program again. I've been assigned to a special detachment that is using the facilities there, I guess," Clarke shrugged as she put a bite of food into her mouth. Her eyes glanced around the table and stopped on Iceman, who gave her a wink. She did her best to hide the smile forming on her lips. 

"What?" Maverick asked between bites.

"Nothing," Clarke and Ice responded in unison. Mav looked between the two, but just shook his head instead of probing further. When they finished eating, Clarke helped Blair do the dishes as their dads moved to the living room.

"Special detachment? You may as well have said 'I don't know when I'm coming home, if I even am' Clarke. You know that I know that 'special detachment' is code for a mission, a dangerous one too," Blair was whispering. She didn't want her dad to hear how nervous he was.

"Okay, yes. But me and everyone else were special chosen, by your dad. He wouldn't send me into something if he didn't know that I'd be fine. My dad, your mom, my grandma, even Bradley would hunt him down if he did, you know this." she reassured her friend as her mind began focusing on one of the names she listed.

"Have you talked to him lately?" Blair asked knowingly.

"Nope," Clarke answered a little too fast. " The last thing I heard from him was that he was going to be in New York for a few days, but like always, I was busy. That was...five months ago, yikes. I didn't realize it had been that long. What about you?"

"No, I mean why would he talk to me? We ran out of things to talk about as soon as you both went to the Academy. Haven't heard anything..." Blair trailed off.

"You're babbling, which means you're lying. What do you know?" Clarke grilled her friend.

"Nothing! I swear, I don't know anything. Okay, technically, I do know that he's been docked in London, or somewhere with an L, for about a month. But he only told me because he said I could tell you if you asked, which you haven't so I had nothing to say. Why don't you guys just talk?"

"We both hate texting, especially about big stuff, and with both of our insane schedules it's impossible to call or Facetime. It's almost easier to just not talk, then when we do see him we'll have so many things to talk about." Blair gave her a look.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I know that's not the real reason, but you'll tell me when you're ready." Blair quickly finished the dishes and joined their fathers on the couch. Clarke soon was with them, but she couldn't stop thinking about what Blair had said- I know that's not the real reason. She was onto Clarke. Clarke had been hiding something, but she forced herself not to think about things that she couldn't control. Blair was right, she would tell her when she was ready. 

"Do you really have to go tonight?" Clarke almost whined as her father climbed into his truck.

"Yes, I do. They want to meet as early as possible. But I'll see you tomorrow night." Clarke pouted and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, okay. Love you, bye."

"Love you, kiddo. Bye." Clarke moped inside and flopped on the couch, Blair joining her.

"You okay?" Blair asked.

"Yeah, I guess. I just wish I knew more about this detachment. You know how much I hate going into something unprepared." Clarke sighed. "I should pack and get to bed. I gotta leave kinda early," she said as she stood.

"Okay. Hey, how about I make us those pancakes you love so much for brunch tomorrow before you leave?" Blair offered. Clarke's eyes lit up.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"Hmmm not this week I don't think," Blair answered with a smirk.

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