authors note

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GUYS i'm so so SO SORRY that i haven't updated this story in like foreverrrrrrr😭 i've been so busy with moving and starting my new job, and to top it all off i don't have wifi at my new place yet-so no writing for me unless i do it on my phone(which i really hate😅). i cannot wait to get back to this story and my characters i miss them like crazy! my last note claimed i only had a few more parts but my brain just keeps pumping out ideas and details i want to include. so i honestly have no idea when or how this will finish! all i know is it's going to be exciting, sappy, romantic, funny, and the best ending i've ever written! hope you stick around long enough to enjoy it!
thanks for all the love and support for my writing and these characters you guys are seriously the best<333

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