chapter 20- old fashioned send-off

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The final days of training were some of the most stressful, yet relaxed, days that Clarke had ever had in her career. It was all just continuously flying the simulated course and making each time better than the last. The days had quickly become monotonous and long. When the last day ended everyone was so thankful it was almost over. They all made plans to have an "old fashioned send-off", or at least that's what Hangman had called it when he suggested that they all wear their pressed white uniforms to the Hard Deck as oppose to the usual casual dress, or even the tan, less formal uniforms.

"Why though? I mean, I'm all for getting dressed up for our last night, but at the Hard Deck? Need I remind you that last time we were all there like half of us ended up with beer down our backs?" Phoenix asked as she reminded everyone of a night soon after the detachment started. They all went out and ended up getting super drunk, so much that Penny kept the bar open an extra hour for them, and only forced everyone out when beer started getting spilled everywhere. 

"Why not?" Hangman shrugged. "Have any of you ever done it? Think it could be fun, plus we all know how good I look it white." he bragged, earning a small chuckle from a few people. The fated night had finally arrived, but Clarke stood in her bedroom and stared at the uniform. Bradley entered, wearing his, and gave her a confused look.

"You're not ready?" he asked as he took in her sweats, t-shirt, and slippers.

"Why do we have to get dressed up? It's not like we're meeting the President. We are literally just going out for drinks. Why can't I wear leggings and a hoodie?" she pouted.

"We all agreed that it would be fun. And if I remember correctly, I didn't want to do this and you had to talk me into it. Don't make me talk you into something I am barely on board with."

"Ugh, fine. Okay." Clarke groaned as she reluctantly got dressed. It wasn't that she didn't like the formal uniforms. They weren't exactly her favorite with the stiff collar, broad shoulders, and itchy material. It was that the last time she had worn it was Iceman's funeral. She didn't even think she'd be able to look at it without bursting into tears, so the fact that she walked into the Hard Deck wearing it was some sort of miracle. 

It was a bigger crowd than usual, but nobody seemed to mind since the pool table was open when they first arrived. Hangman and Coyote had quickly claimed it along with three smaller surrounding tables for everyone to sit at. Clarke scanned the crowd as she entered and saw her dad sitting at the bar with a bottle in front of him. They smiled at each other, Clarke motioning to his white uniform and giving a thumbs up with an approving nod. Mav chuckled lightly before motioning for her to join her friends. She instantly saw the empty chair between Phoenix and Bradley with a small glass with brown liquid in front of it. She sat and picked up the glass, wincing as she took a small sip.

"Jeez, did Penny even put any Coke in this?" Clarke coughed, earning a laugh from both Bradley and Phoenix. 

"I don't know, mine's pretty strong too. You'd think she would go easy on us so we're not hungover tomorrow." Bradley said.

"No, I think she has more of 'get them drunk quick so they leave early' mindset. If it only takes us all a couple drinks maybe we can get out of here at a reasonable hour." Phoenix argued. Clarke looked between the two of them as they had a staring contest of sorts, like whoever won was whoever had the correct theory. 

"Okay, well let's not waste time with ego wars tonight." She clapped, causing both of them to blink. "Hangman, me and Rooster got next game." Hangman nodded as he sank in his last ball, making him the winner of his and Coyote's game. Clarke quickly jumped up to rack the balls, Bradley following as he grabbed a cue stick from Coyote. "Here," she said, rolling the cue ball to him, "you break." Bradley held the ball for a second before setting it on the table and starting the game. Clarke wasted no time in winning the game, making Bradley mad. 

"You're supposed to be awful at pool when you're drunk! How did you win? You're on your third drink already, especially with how Penny is pouring tonight." he asked.

"Hmm, that's where you'd be wrong, babe. I've only had one drink!" She laughed loudly as Bradley gave her a strong side eye. "My last two have just been Coke, no whiskey." Bradley's jaw dropped.

"You cheater!" he yelled, causing everyone to laugh. "We agreed that we would drink the same when we played!"

"I was drinking...soda! We never said it had to be alcohol." she shrugged, but the steam coming out of Bradley's ears was enough for him to pick her up and carry her out onto the beach. "Bradley stop!" she screamed through the laughter. The whole group was following them, laughing along with her. Bradley pulled off her shoes and socks before stopping for a moment to strip off his own. He walked a couple feet into the water, now holding her bridal style.

"You wouldn't..." Clarke teased.

"Oh, I think we both know I definitely would!" he said just before dropping her into the water. Clarke instantly jumped out of the water, though she was completely soaked from head to toe. 

"You asshole!" she screamed as she pushed him backwards, now making him wet. The rest of their friends ran out to join them and a water fight broke out. It probably looked silly- a group of adults in pressed white Navy uniforms having a drunk water fight on the beach. None of them cared though. They all wanted this moment to last forever. 

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