chapter 24- don't cry

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The mood on deck was drastically different from the one in the sleeping quarters where Clarke, Phoenix, and Bradley had been laughing. Everyone stood in a line, silent, flight gear on-even Clarke. Cyclone had been waiting outside her room and told her that she was going to be the second stand-by plane. She quickly dressed and joined the team out by the planes. She was tucked between Hangman and Fanboy, both of them so serious as they looked ahead blankly, awaiting orders. 

"Alright, you all know the drill. We've been training for this. Do us proud." he said sternly. Everyone began scuffling about doing any last minute preparations. They made their way out to the planes and began the pre-flight checks. Maverick quickly finished his and then went over to Clarke.

"How mad are you?" She looked at him for a moment.

"Less, now. Before I was probably the angriest I'd ever been. Even more than when Mom died."

"That bad? You kicked a hole through your bedroom door." He looked at her stunned.

"Well, I almost kicked a whole in the side of the boat. Maybe you should've put me in karate all those years ago." They both chuckled lightly as the thought, but Maverick suddenly pulled her into a tight hug. Clarke was initially taken aback, but soon wrapped her arms around her father's torso. As she held back tears she saw Bradley watching their interaction intently. 

"Go do that advice thing with Bradley," she said through a few sniffles. "You both need it." Mav put a firm hand on her shoulder and kissed her on the forehead before walking away. Clarke turned back to her checklist but instead found herself watching Bradley and her dad's interaction. 

"Hey, kid." Maverick said from a short distance. Bradley looked up from his checklist and took steps to close the distance between them. "I just wanted to something to you," he continued.

"I have something to say to you too." Bradley said at the same time. The two looked at each other for a moment and chuckled, Maverick motioning for Bradley to speak. "I just...I just wanted to tell you..."

"We'll talk...when we get back."  The two nodded in agreement and shared a firm handshake. Maverick walked away and nodded to Clarke, who took it as a signal to go talk to him. She took a deep breath before she started walking towards him, her breath getting more shaky. Bradley looked up and saw her walking over, but quickly put his head down again to finish his pre checks. 

Clarke closed the distance between them as soon as she could by wrapping her arms tightly around his waist, and Bradley instantly clasped his arms around her. Clarke felt tears begin to fall down her face and onto Bradley's clothes. "Don't cry." Bradley said with a very shaky tone. 

"I'm not." Clarke choked out through a sob. "I'm choking on your flight vest, I can't breathe."

"So come up for air."

"I can't."


"Because I don't want you to see me crying!" she sobbed. Bradley let out a small chuckle and Clarke lifted her head to look up at him. Her face was red and splotchy, but her eyes glistened from the tears. Bradley's eyes met hers' and a tear slipped down his cheek. Clarke lifted her hand and gently wiped it away. "Don't cry," she whispered. "Or else I'm gonna cry again." They both lightly chuckled. Bradley cupped her face and lowered his mouth onto hers. The kiss was soft and sweet, but had a farewell feeling. Clarke broke the kiss and pressed her forehead to his, her eyes closed. "I'm gonna be right here when you get back. And if I'm not the first person you see, I'm gonna kill you." Bradley laughed and kissed her nose. "If I look at you again, I'm gonna cry and not let go and cause all kinds of trouble," she chuckled, "so I'm gonna turn around with my eyes closed and go inside and pray the whole time you guys are gone. And I don't care if you think this is stupid or overdramatic or whatever, but that's what I'm gonna do." she ended with a chuckle and Bradley did too. Bradley took a deep breath and looked up, seeing Clarke walk away, and held back tears of his own. 

Clarke soon joined Hangman and the others who were on standby. Hangman look at her with sad eyes and said, "They'll be fine, don't worry. Your old man in unstoppable."

"He only thinks he is, that's what scares me."  

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