chapter 28- other shoe

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"Are you ready yet?" Bradley yelled from the couch. Instead of a verbal response a shoe came flying down the hallway. "Jeez, fine. We'll be late then." He rolled his eyes and smiled as Clarke rounded the corner from the kitchen.

"Blair! Hurry your ass up! Last one at the bar has to buy a round and I don't want to pay...again." She finished reluctantly. 

"Okay, okay. I'm almost ready, I swear. I just can't find my other shoe!"

"Maybe it's the one you chucked out here a minute ago?" Bradley mused, a smirk on his mouth. Clarke shook her head at their antics. Blair marched out of the spare bedroom, with one shoe on, and angrily shoved the other on her foot. 

"There, Bradley, I'm ready." She mocked. 

"Finally!" he sighed. In one swift movement he stood, grabbed his keys off the hook, and opened the door for the two girls. Blair bounced out the door first, followed closely by Clarke who paused for a moment to peck Bradley on the cheek.

"Shotgun!" Blair yelled as she was halfway down the pathway. 

"What kind of world do you think this is? It's my car and my girlfriend get shotgun." he bantered as he opened both the passenger and back door for them.

"Don't forget about DJ privileges." Clarke sneered as she climbed in, blushing at Bradley's use of the word girlfriend.

"Damn, Bradshaw. You let her DJ? You're so whipped." Clarke laughed as she plugged in her phone and started a playlist.

"You would think that all this time apart would slow you guys down, but you've only been around each other for 2 hours and I'm already going crazy!" 

"Gosh, mom, calm down." Blair whined. Bradley just gave a sympathetic look as he placed a hand on the inside of Clarke's thigh. The rest of the drive was loud as they all sang along to the music, not bothering to turn it down as they pulled into a parking spot outside of the Hard Deck. On the passenger side was Phoenix in her Jeep, her and Clarke sharing a frantic wave and big smiles. 

"Bradshaw," Hangman called from his car in the spot next to the driver side of Bradley's Bronco. "Took you guys long enough to get here."

"Don't blame me. We're stuck with this one who takes a million years to get ready." He pointed with his thumb to the back seat at Blair, who hadn't stopped headbanging along to the music long enough to register that there were now other people around. They all got out of their cars and stopped in a small circle to do introductions. 

"Phoenix, Hangman, this is Blair. I don't remember if you guys met at the funeral," Clarke thought back to Iceman's funeral. 

"Hey, Blair. We've heard lots about you. It seems almost every story we hear from these two, you're involved." Phoenix chuckled as she nudged Bradley in the arm. 

"Wait, I'm terrible with callsigns. I like to make my own nicknames, but first I need real names." Blair stopped them. 

"I'm Natasha, Nat for short." Phoenix offered. Blair turned her attention to Hangman, who was twisting a toothpick between his lips. 

"I'm Jake." he said smoothly. Bradley and Clarke shared a glance, having the same thought, but kept it to themselves. "Let's head in, the guys got here early so we'd have the pool table." 

"Pool? You mean I have to watch you and Bradley argue over pool for the millionth time?" Blair whined as she snaked an arm around Clarke's. 

"Oh, please, you'll be to busy flirting with Hang- Jake." She corrected herself, but kept her teasing tone. 

"What?" Blair tried to play dumb, "No way."

"Don't even with me. You used to tease me all the time about flirting with guys, it's my turn." Clarke said with a big smile. "Hi Penny!" she sang as the stopped at the bar for a drink, waving Bradley on. "My dad not here yet?"

"No, he actually just left. Decided to let you kids have the place to yourselves tonight. Who's this?"

"Oh, duh." Clarke rolled her eyes. "This is Blair, Ice's daughter. She's my other half."

"Better half." Blair whispered, earning a laugh from all of them. 

"Nice to meet you Blair. What are you drinking?" Penny asked as she began pouring Clarke's regular of whiskey and Coke. 

"Oh, um, I guess I'll just have what Clarke is." Just a second later Penny was finished with their drinks and the girls were off to join everyone else. 

"Guys," Clarke stopped the game of pool between Payback, Fanboy, and Coyote. "This is Blair, the one me and Bradley never shut up about."

"Hey guys!" Blair gave a half wave before sitting across from Hangman, next to Phoenix. They all watched the guys finish their game of pool, laughing as they argued over shots and rules. "You know, I never really got pool." Blair admitted. 

"Really? What do you mean?" Hangman wondered. 

"I mean, I know how to play, and I guess I'm okay. I've just never thought it was tons of fun like these guys. I like to chat or dance, or if I'm really drunk I suddenly think I'm on American Idol and hog the karaoke machine." Blair explained. Hangman and Phoenix both laughed along with her. 

"Maybe you just haven't been playing with the right people. It's no fun when these two get really into it." He motioned to Clarke and Bradley who were now debating on where the cue ball needed to go for the break. "They take it too seriously. How about this: we play next game and if you win I'll pay your tab at the end of tonight." Blair raised an eyebrow at his offer. 

"And what if you win?" she mused, leaning her elbows on the table. Hangman followed her motion so their faces were closer. 

"If I win, you go to dinner with me tomorrow." Hangman answered confidently. Blair simply held out her hand and they shook on their deal. Clarke and Bradley's game finished rather quickly, with Clarke winning. She took a victory lap, strutting around the table to the music with her drink held high. Bradley held out a hand as she looped around to him and spun her into a dramatic dip, kissing her. They stood and sat at the table, Clarke on Bradley's lap. "You ready for this Blair?" 

"You rack them, I'm gonna get another round." Blair responded as Clarke looked at her questioningly. "He wants to play me. If I win, he pays for my tab." she explained.

"And if he wins?" Clarke asked with raised eyebrows. 

"I have to go out with him tomorrow." Clarke covered her mouth and stifled a laugh. The noise caught Bradley's attention. 

"What's so funny?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind. 

"Blair made a bet with Hangman. If she wins he'll pay her tab for the night. But, if he wins...she has to go out with him tomorrow night." Clarke couldn't hold in her laugh this time, Bradley joining in.

"I don't see how this is that funny. If I remember I've beat both of you on multiple different occasions." Blair defended. 

"Please lose." Clarke said seriously. Bradley nodded in agreement as Blair stared at them. 

"Why?" she asked hesitantly. Clarke and Bradley shared another look, Clarke sighing.

"Because he was totally checking you out earlier in the parking lot! And if he loses he's gonna whine about it and I really don't want to deal with that."

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