chapter 9- your feelings

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The tall figure leaning against her house caught her attention as she walked up the front path. She stopped for a moment, but sighed as she walked past him, leaving the door open for him to follow.

"Clarke, I'm sor-"

"Stop." She kept her back turned and held up her hand. She let out a shaky breath before turning to face him. "I know you still have your issues with my dad, for whatever your reasons are. But I thought we'd moved past the whole silent treatment, pouting, and yelling pointlessly at each other,"

"So did I. I really did Clarke. I can't tell you how much it breaks my heart every time I see how badly my hating him hurts you. I thought that being away would help, but my feelings are just as strong." He tried to explain himself, but Clarke just shook her head.

"Your feelings. Your feelings?" Her eyes began welling with tears. "Your feelings about my dad or your feelings about me?" He looked at her stunned.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Bradley. So does Blair, and Ice, and probably my dad, both our moms knew way before anyone. I just didn't know until today,"

"I really don't know what you're talking about. What feelings? The ones I've felt for you my whole life, that I love you and would do anything for you? That you're my only family and the only reason I've stayed sane through everything?" His voice slowly raised as he got angrier. 

"No, the ones you've been pushing  down! I guess you've got it pretty bad for a girl when it's the only thing on your mind when you're in a fight!" She matched his tone and volume, wanting him to just say the words. He looked at her like she'd just stabbed him in the back.

"What do want me to say, Clarke? That I love you? That I've been in love with you since I saw you sing the national anthem at the homecoming game your freshman year? That every time I saw you after we graduated it took everything in me not to stay? That I cried after I told you about the international squadron because it meant we wouldn't see each other everyday? That I've been talking with Blair for like three years now, waiting for the perfect moment to tell you? I thought the other night would've been obvious enough for you, yet here we are," he sighed. Clarke felt that hot tears stream down her face. She and Bradley held eye contact for a moment, but Clarke's phone rang, breaking the silence.

"Hello?" she answered without even checking to see who was calling.

"Hey!" Blair said happily, but her tone instantly changed to a more somber one after registering Clarke's. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Bradley?" she asked, still holding eye contact with him. He took a deep breath and pursed his lips.

"What about him?" Blair asked innocently.

"Blair," Clarke pressed. 

"He made me swear to let him do it at the perfect time. Why? Did he tell you?"

"Not exactly," Clarke breathed out with a small chuckle. Bradley softened his face and walked over. He brushed a piece of hair behind her ear and took the phone from her.

"She's too smart for us, Blair. I didn't even have to say anything," he whispered into the phone as his free hand wrapped itself around her waist. Blair squealed, both of them laughing at her.

"I'm just gonna let you guys figure this out. Call me soon! Love you both!" she sang out before ending the call. Bradley slid the phone into Clarke's back pocket and brought his hand up to her face. He gingerly wiped away her remaining tears before taking his index finger and lifting her chin towards him. He softly kissed her, but Clarke pressed into his lips. Her hands found their way into his hair as his moved down her body, lifting her. As he did she wrapped her legs around his torso, and he began walking to the living room. He backed up until his legs hit the couch and then he sat down. Their mouths moved together, molding into one. He sprinkled kissed across her collarbones, her laughing at the feeling. She brought his lips back to hers and stayed there a moment. She then traced kisses along his jawline and down his neck while his hands explored her back. She returned to his mouth until they broke apart, both needing air. Clarke slid off Bradley's lap and onto the couch next to him, her legs still draped across his and her head resting on his chest. 

"So just how long had you been waiting to do that?" Clarke asked, a smile on her face.

"To do what?" Bradley asked.

"To kiss me. The other night you said 'you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that', so how long is how long?"

"Since that football game. I remember you were so nervous the whole week leading up to it. I remember seeing my mom, your parents, Blair's parents all in the stands, cheering as loudly as possible as you walked to center field. I was trying so hard not to laugh, I didn't want coach to yell at me as we stood on sidelines. I'll never forget the smile you had as you finished the songs and the whole stadium went crazy. I wanted so badly to run over a hug you, I was so proud. I realized later at the diner that I loved you. Hell, I almost kissed you that night," he recounted the memory like it was yesterday. 

"Wait, is that why you insisted we take that 'shortcut' home and we ended up with a flat in the middle of nowhere?" Clarke asked as she remembered what happened after they went to the diner.

"Yeah, I wanted to make it special, but the fallen tree in the road had other ideas, I guess," he chuckled. She smiled as his chest bounced under her and wrapped an arm across him. He placed an arm over her head and rested his head on hers. It was quiet for a while, both of them almost asleep. A thought woke Clarke up, though. She inhaled quickly and raised her eyebrows.

"What?" Bradley asked after hearing the air shoot up her nose.

"What are we gonna tell my dad?"


sorry the time between updates has been long! i started a new semester a couple weeks ago and have been super busy! hoping to update more often as i get a better schedule worked out

thanks for all the love <3

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