chapter 10- i knew it

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The next day when they arrived to the base, Adm. Bates informed them that a power outage in the night had left the planes unflyable for the day. He instructed them to spend the day going over their footage from the course and analyze it.

"Great, training to fly a mission without actually flying," Hangman scoffed as they filed into a room lined with computers. 

"Watching footage is actually one of the best ways to improve, statistically speaking," Bob offered. Clarke stifled a laugh when she saw Hangman glance back at Bob, shaking his head as he sat down. She sat down, Phoenix on her right and Bradley on her left.

"This sucks," Clarke sighed. 

"But, statistically..." Bradley teased, earning a laugh from both girls. "Yeah, it does suck. How they hell are you supposed to actually learn anything by watching our failed attempts?"

"I have no idea. I feel like we've watched these a million times, I don't see how spending an entire day on them is magically going to help us," Phoenix huffed. They all silently watched their trials, taking notes of what went wrong. Clarke was furiously scribbling, darkening the corner of her page out of boredom, when a small folded paper was dropped in front of her. She looked over to Bradley, whose eyes were fixed on the screen in front of him, but a hint of a smile played on his lips. Clarke's eyes lit up as she returned them to the paper. She picked it up, unfolding it.

im so bored!!!! She rolled her eyes before replying.

yeah this sucks! and im hungry  She refolded the paper and placed it in front of Bradley. He picked it up and smiled.

me too- diner?

ahhhhhh yes! let's invite my dad. it could give us a chance to talk to him...

good ive been craving that french toast! are you sure you want to talk to him already? i don't know maybe give him a day or 2 to cool off?

he's fine, you know Mav- one sec he's blowing up and the next he's taking us out for ice cream. if he's gonna be weird about this it's his deal

okay as long as you're ready. hey guess what...


the day's over! Clarke excitedly looked up at the clock and sure enough, the day was over. They all stood, grumbling about the day they'd just had. Clarke was talking with Fanboy in the hallway when Phoenix cam up behind her and pulled her away.

"Are we twelve? Passing notes?" Her eyebrows were raised. Clarke rolled her eyes and let out a heavy sigh.

"Okay, you can't freak out," Clarke started, but Phoenix was already squealing. She may as well have been jumping up and down like a cheerleader. 

"I KNEW IT! Okay, I need every detail! When? Where? How? What did he say?" Her words came out at a million miles a second. Clarke shushed her and put her hands on her shoulders.

"Oh my God, are we twelve? Jeez, you're freaking out more than Blair did. To be fair, she's known for a while, but I imagine she was more chill about." Clarke had been leading her to the locker rooms.

"Fine, fine, I'm calm. Now tell me everything!" Clarke launched into the story about the first time it happened, but neither of them did anything. She them moved onto last night, Phoenix barely keeping her excitement contained. 

"It was so cheesy, I almost hated it. The stereotypical "they're having a fight and end up confessing their love for each other" moment I never thought I'd have to live through. We stayed up half the night, just talking. He didn't leave until like three, I was falling asleep," Clarke finished.

"Oh my God. That's amazing, seriously, you are made for each other. You guys are gonna be so happy together," Phoenix cooed.

"Okay, stop, or I'm gonna have to punch you. I'm kinda nervous to tell my dad though,"

"Why? He'll be happy that you're happy," she reasoned.

"Yeah, I know he will be. I think a lot of it is I know that him and Bradley have a weird relationship. I know Bradley would put that aside, but I just don't want it to become a thing, you know?" Clarke wondered aloud.

"Yeah, those two definitely have something going on, but they'll work it out. They both love you so much that they'll figure out how to deal with it for you're sake. I know it," Phoenix comforted. Clarke nodded and her buzzed. It was a text from Bradley- weird

Where'd you disappear to? I told your dad that we were going to dinner, he's gonna meet us at your place

She and Phoenix made their way to the parking lot. When they saw Bradley waiting next to Clarke's car, Phoenix said goodbye, making a kissy face as she walked away. Clarke rolled her eyes and unlocked her car. Bradley was leaning against her car. She stopped in front of him, he looked around, and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, kissing her. 

"Hey," Clarke said sweetly with a smile.

"Hi," Bradley chuckled. "You ready for this?" he asked as he opened her door for her. 

"I guess. Gotta do it at some point, might as well be now," she sighed. "I'll see you at mine," she said as she climbed in. 

"Yeah, bye."

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