chapter 19- 2:15

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There was silence between Clarke and her father. A long silence. Clarke opened her mouth a few times as if to speak, but stopped herself every time. 

"What are you thinking about kiddo?" Mav asked finally. Clarke's eyes were focused on the table in front of her. She took a deep breath in thought before looking up at her dad.

"I'm thinking....that I" She stood up and crossed to the pizza box that rested on the countertop and took a slice from inside.

"Pizza?" Mav asked. "This is what you call breakfast?" Clarke looked at him for a moment, but decided to keep her snarky remarks to herself for a moment longer. 

"Yes," she said as she swallowed the last bite. "But, it's also my thinking food. I don't really know what to think about this news so I'm thinking, before I say something stupid." Mav nodded along, knowing it was better to just go along with his daughter most of the time than really try to understand her processes. Clarke then grabbed another slice of pizza, her water bottle, and sat on the living room floor. Mav followed her, sitting on the couch. 

"Maybe this is a good thing," Clarke said with a mouthful of pizza. 

"How is this a good things?" Mav asked, truly wanting to know what she was thinking.

"Well, team leader picks the team. You have seen everyone fly and you've been impartial the whole time, so you can actually pick the most qualified people. Then it won't be some popularity contest." Clarke looked to him for confirmation. He bobbed his head back and forth, weighing his options.

"Yeah, I guess that's a good way to look at it. But you do know that this guarantees that you won't be flying, right?" he said hesitantly.

"Seriously? You would make sure I stayed grounded for one of the most important missions of my career?" Clarke didn't know why she was getting angry. She knew that he was doing this out of love and wanting to protect her, but she still felt like she was being treated unfairly.

"You seriously can't be surprised at this, Clarke. If I could I'd have all of you stay back and do it myself, alone. This is the only time I'll ever be able to guarantee your safety and I will do everything I can to keep you on the carrier."

"Okay, I get it. You want to protect me, I'm your kid, but I'm not a kid. This is my job we're talking about!"

"It's my job to! Neither of us would be any good in the air if we're worried about things we can't control. You have to just trust that I know what I'm doing." Clarke thought for a moment about where he was coming from and decided not to keep fighting. 

"Wait, so if you're not the instructor anymore, who is leading the exercises?"

"The admirals will oversee things until we shove off. I just wish they would listen to me, though. They want to change everything we've been working for to make it more safe for the pilots, but it honestly sounds like they just don't believe it can be flown my way."

"Then show them, dad."


The pilots sat in their seats in the empty hanger like everyday. The screen behind the podium showed the F-18 nav system route like always, but the stopwatch was at a different time.

"Sir, why is the time different?" Hangman asked as Cyclone stepped up to the podium.

"Capt. Mitchell is no longer your instructor. Warlock and I will be overseeing your training for the next few days. We've changed a few things: you will now have four minutes to get to the target, hence the time Lt." he nodded at Hangman. "You will enter the valley at a higher altitude and will drop from a higher point to make a more precise drop and to avoid the high G climb out." Everyone began murmuring with various reasons as to way this was the worst plan ever.

"What about their aircraft?" 

"We'll be sitting ducks for the S.A.M.s!" 

"How is this safer?"

"I can assure you," Cyclone shouted over everyone, "that these changes are the best thing for you and this mission." Everyone quieted, but the air was tense as everyone was upset. Suddenly the screen changed with a single beep.

"Maverick to Range Control. Clear to start nav course?" The pilots all looked at one another, but Clarke instantly understood what was happening.

"Uh, Range Control. You're clear, Mav. I don't see any flights scheduled."

"Well, I'm going anyway. Time to target 2:15." Everyone's eyes went wide as the time changed on their screen. 

"There's no way he'll do it in 2:15." Payback thought aloud.

"Entering Point Alpha in 3...2...1!" The timer began counting down as they watched Maverick fly the simulated canyon. He did it so effortlessly. When the time for the bomb drop came, everyone held their breath. He lined up the first one and dropped it perfectly. He lined up the second one as he began the high G climb out, and dropped it, the timer only have two seconds left. "Strike 2!" he shouted over the radio. Everyone jumped to their feet in disbelief. 

Half and hour later Maverick walked into the hanger. Everyone was amazed at his skill and surrounded him instantly. Clarke and Bradley hung back from the group and when Mav looked their way he winked at Clarke, her returning one. Bradley held up a fist and gave it a couple shakes and Mav returned the gesture before returning his focus to the other pilots. 

"Can't believe he did that." Bradley said.

"Seriously? You're surprised? It was typical Mav thing to do," Clarke reasoned.

"Yeah, maybe ten years ago. I thought he was trying to stay out of trouble."

"Well...he did need a little push." Clarke looked at Bradley.

"You told him to do that?" Bradley's eyes went wide.

"What? He just needed a little encouragement. He probably would've done something even more dumb if I hadn't told him to do it." Clarke pointed out. Bradley tilted his head to the side and nodded in agreement. "Can I tell you a secret?" Clarke whispered. Bradley nodded and leaned down with his ear. "Mav's the team leader for the mission."

"He's what?!" Bradley exclaimed. Clarke instantly hit in the stomach and shushed him. 

"God! It's a secret for a reason!" she laughed. "He told me this morning."

"Hmm." Bradley hummed. "Team leader Maverick. There's something I thought I'd never say."

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