chapter 29- no fun

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Later in the night Clarke found herself sitting on the beach, watching the waves crash on the shore. She was beginning to regret not having a jacket, the wind making her arms cold. She lifted her glass to her lips and finished off her drink. As she set the glass down in the sand a jacket was draped over her shoulders. "Hey, you." she whispered. "Get tired of hearing Blair argue with Hangman over pool?"

"I never thought I would see her so invested in a game. She was never like this when we played." Bradley said as he sat next to Clarke and draped an arm over her shoulders. She leaned into his body and sighed. "It's nice out tonight." Clarke hummed in response as she turned her face towards his. Bradley noticed and turned in as well, placing a soft, drawn out kiss on her forehead. 

"Weird to think if the night keeps going we might get to see Hangman shove his tongue down Blair's throat." Clarke said flatly as her gaze returned to the ocean. 

"Oh, seriously?" Bradley grimaced. "I really did not need that visual, but thanks." he laughed. Clarke laughed as she shimmied herself between his legs, him hugging her from behind. 

"I wish we could just stay here. No more trainings, no more more leaving." She admitted with a sadness in her voice. 

"We just got back and you're already worried about the next one? Typical." he scoffed. "Don't even think about it. Focus on what's good- Blair's here and happy. Your dad is happy with Penny. Amelia thinks you walk on water again." They both chuckled at the last fact. Amelia and Clarke had gotten close the last time Pete and Penny dated. She had taken it rather hard when they ended things because it meant she wouldn't see Clarke on a regular basis. Clarke was equally upset, she had missed having younger kids around since she had moved away from Blair's younger brothers. Amelia had called Clarke, squealing, as soon as she found out about her mom and Pete about a week ago. 

"That's true, I guess." Clarke agreed.

"Oh, I'm not done." Bradley baited. "Phoenix is back. You and Hangman don't hate each other, which I'm still not totally sure of how that happened, but whatever." Clarke nudged him. "Me and your dad are totally fine. And most importantly, you and I are together. No more of that whole not talking thing, no more secrets, no more surprises." Clarke closed her eyes as he finished his list. This was the first time in a long time she was this happy, and she wanted to soak it all up. She flared her eyes open as Bradley hoisted her over his shoulder and began running into the water. 

"Bradley, I swear on your mother, if you throw me in I will kill you! I just washed my hair!" She whined. 

"You're no fun." Bradley deadpanned as he dropped her in, Clarke squealing. She stood up in a huff and placed both hands on her hips, glaring at him. He stood there with a smug look on his face and shrugged his shoulders. She lunged forward with both hands sending him back into the water. He didn't come up immediately, instead he stayed under the water and pulled one of Clarke's legs out form under her. She let out another scream as she crashed into the water. They both emerged from the water, laughing. Clarke flung her arms around his shoulders and crashed her mouth onto his. Bradley stumbled backwards for a split second, but quickly steadied himself under Clarke. 

"Gotcha," Bradley whispered as he leaned his forehead against Clarke's. 

"Maybe, but I definitely won." she bantered. 

"Always so competitive." Bradley rolled his eyes and turned around, squatting. Clarke took this as an invitation to get on his back. He began walking back to the shore but stopped as Clarke gasped and squealed. "What?" he asked, looking back at her. She giggled and pointed to the patio of the bar. He followed her finger to see Blair and Hangman kissing. "Great, now that's burned into my brain." he laughed as they finally made it out of the water. 

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