chapter 11- better than grandma's

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Maverick was sitting on the porch of Clarke's home when she and Bradley pulled up. They got out of their respective cars and approached him.

"Hey," he spoke with a familiar, gentle tone. He's in a good mood Clarke silently thanked the universe. She was already nervous enough to tell him. She really didn't need him to be cranky. 

"Hey, Dad," Clarke responded. "You ready?" Maverick gave a silent nod. She and Bradley shared a look, a conversation with their eyes about who's car to take ended with Bradley jerking his head towards his truck. She flashed a half smile at him as they got in. The ride was mostly silent, the quiet hum of whatever music played on the radio in the background. Clarke and Bradley shared a couple glances, most of them him reassuring her that this would be fine. He turned into the parking lot of the diner and they all walked inside. The familiar decor and energy washed a calming wave over Clarke as the familiar waitress smiled at them and pointed to their usual booth in the corner. Clarke waved as they approached the table. The next obstacle was the seating. Was it too obvious if she and Bradley sat next to each other? Or would it be awkward if she sat next to her dad? She quickly made the decision to sit next to Bradley, and thankfully, nobody batted an eye. 

"'d you find this place?" Maverick asked after scanning the menu.

"I passed it coming into town and it reminded me of that place back home we used to hang out at." Bradley explained. Maverick nodded and then returned to the menu. Clarke looked at Bradley, whose eyes were fixed on the menu.

"Um, Dad. You have to get the french toast, it's the best. Better than Grandma's," Clarke broke the silence.

"Really? Better than your grandmother's? I'll have to be the judge of that," he chuckled at her comparison. 

"Definitely. I get it almost every time I come." Bradley cleared his throat as the waitress approached the table.

"Hey, you two. Back again, I see. And who have you brought with you?" she asked.

"This is my dad," Clarke answered. "Dad, this is Maggie. She has worked here for 30 years and is the best."

"Oh, you stop that, sweetie," Maggie blushed. "I'm assuming you two will have your regular- french toast with scrambled eggs, bacon, and a cherry coke. What about you?"

"That sounds perfect, I'll have the same," Maverick answered. Maggie gave a small nod and then walked into the kitchen. "You guys come here that much? She knows your order?"

"Well, I mean, it's a great place, great food, and I've never seen more than five people here, including us, so it's not hard to know what people usually order." Bradley did his calculation aloud. Maverick tilted his head and nodded, acknowledging his point. The next few minutes were quiet. Clarke looked at Bradley with pursed lips and a determined hint in her eye. He raised his eyebrows before smiling and placing a hand on her knee.

"Dad, I...we have something to tell you," Clarke spoke softly. Maverick pulled his attention from the decorated walls and let his eyes meet hers. His eyes darted between the two of them and then he sighed....heavily.

"Oh. Okay, then. I, uh, I have to say I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner." He almost chuckled. 

"Wait, what?" Bradley asked. "We haven't even said anything,"

"You don't have to. And neither do I. Look, I'll sum this up real quick. You two are in a relationship- I've known that would happen since you guys hit high school. Clarke is worried that me and Bradley will have a weird dynamic because of our past- we won't. We're both adults who can leave the past in the past. And I don't have to give the whole 'hurt her and I'll hurt you' speech because I know Bradley would never do that. This is a good thing guys, really." Clarke visibly relaxed by allowing herself to slouch into the booth. She and Bradley both let out a sigh, followed by a laugh. Maverick laughed too. Soon the food was ready and brought out, making the next five minutes quiet other than the light scraping of cutlery as they ate. 

"Wow, that is better than your grandmother's," Maverick sighed as he swallowed his last bite of french toast. 

"Right?! So good," Clarke agreed, Bradley nodding along.

"So, how do you guys think the training is going? Any theories of who will actually be flying it?" Maverick asked.

"Well, Phoenix and Bob know the course really well and Bob is probably the best WSO in the detachment, I definitely think they should fly." Bradley gave his opinion. 

"Good eye, Rooster. Those two are great together. Fanboy and Payback have a pretty good dynamic too," Maverick countered. "What about solo fliers?"

"Not to brag, but me and Bradley are the best. Hangman's not enough of a team player for a mission like this. Omaha and Yale can't get ahold of the course enough and Harvard can't be the back-up laser if one of the WSO can't get a lock." Clarke explained, as if she had been keeping specific tabs on everyone-which she had. 

"Yeah I agree on the last three, too risky." Bradley agreed.

"I see your angle, but don't count Hangman out just yet." Maverick piped in. "While, yes, he leaves his wingman 90% of the time, he understands how crucial the parameters of the mission are. He could be a good team leader if he understood the team aspect a little better."

"Okay, fair. Enough work talk, though. Let's go home, I'm beat." Clarke ended the conversation. After paying they drove back to Clarke's.

"Thanks for coming with us tonight, Mav." Bradley said as they climbed out of his truck. "It was nice to see you outside of work, haven't done that in a long time."

"Yes it was, Bradley. Don't worry, if she gets her way we'll get sick of seeing each other so much," he chuckled as he wrapped an arm around Clarke. She smiled as she hugged her father. They all said their goodbyes and goodnights, leaving Clarke alone, where she fell asleep the instant her head hit her pillow. 

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