chapter 32- forever

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Clarke had a relaxed smile on her as she and Bradley sat in his truck, the quiet rumbling of the engine accompanying the music. They had stopped at a small pull-out on their way home from the hanger. They were in the bed of the truck, wrapped in each others arms as they watched the waves silently run onto the beach and then flow back out to the ocean. 

"Whatcha thinkin about?" Clarke whispered as she absentmindedly traced her fingers over Bradley's arms that were crossed over her torso. 

"Hmm," he hummed into her ear. "The sky, the stars, the water." he paused. "You."

"Me? Really? What about me is so thought provoking?" she joked.

"Um...just everything. You're beautiful green eyes. You're gorgeous hair. How your freckles are more prominent after a day in the sun. You always smell so great."

"I don't even think I put on perfume today." Clarke interrupted his list.

"You don't need it. You just smell amazing all the time, it's sort of annoying." They both chuckle. "What about you, honey? What's going on up there?" he asked as he tapped her forehead with his pointer finger. 

"Hmm," she hummed, mocking the noise Bradley made whenever he thought about a question. "You, obviously." She smiled up and him, Bradley taking the opportunity to lean down and quickly peck her lips with his. "How much fun today was, seeing Amelia. My dad and Penny falling back into their old ways, hoping it works this time. My mom..." she trailed off. 

"You're mom? Anything specific?" he probed further. 

"Not really. Mainly just wishing she could be here to have the good days with. I know she and Carol are both happy for us, but I wish I could see how happy they are."

"Yeah, I guess I've been thinking about my mom lately, too." Bradley admits. "Her and dad, they would be so excited about this." He gave Clarke a squeeze. "They're definitely watching us, all four of 'em. My parents, your mom, and Ice."

"Oh, gosh. I wonder what Ice thinks of Hangman and Blair." Clarke spoke suddenly, the thought sending a shock through her. 

"Jeez, I hadn't even thought about that." Bradley said. "Hangman would probably piss himself hearing Ice's 'dating my daughter' speech. Mine's nothing compared to his, and I've never even heard the whole thing."

"It's pretty brutal." Clarke confirmed. "I heard it once, and once was enough for my entire life. I had helped Blair get ready for a date the summer after we graduated high school. I was standing in the kitchen with Sarah and we overheard the whole thing. Let's just say we're lucky Blair even got dates after the first time. Everyone in school talked about it for like a week, how he had 'threatened to kill anyone who disrespected her'. At least she never missed curfew, everyone was too scared to push the boundaries."

"Yikes." Bradley sighed. "Glad we never had to go through anything like that."

"Right, because not talking for two years accompanied with a mutual pining was so much better."

"Alright, you got me there. But it was worth it."

"Definitely." Clarke agreed before turning to face him, straddling his lap. She draped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He placed one hand on her lower back and allowed the other to rub up and down her thigh. Clarke's hands wandered into his hair as the kiss deepened. Bradley pulled her closer and peppered small kisses all over her face and chest, but something stopped him. He traced his finger lightly over a small mole that rested on her left collar bone. "Whatcha lookin' at?" she whispered in his ear. 

"This." he replied as he tapped the mole. "How have a never noticed it?" He continued making circles around it causing her to laugh lightly. 

"That kinda tickles. I don't know, maybe all my shirts cover it." She thought aloud. "I've never paid too much attention to it." She paused and continued to think, Bradley oddly mesmerized by this mole. "There's also something a couple inches south of there that usually occupy your attention." she joked, referring to her breasts. He let out a deep laugh, his body shaking beneath hers. 

"Okay, fair." he nodded. "I can't wait to get to know your body. I want to see every mole, scar, birthmark, everything." 

"There's a lot more, especially on my legs." she baited, wanting to know where he was going with his thoughts. 

"Good, I'll learn them all. I'll draw a map so I won't get lost, I'll even give them all names." he joked along.

"Where are you going with this, Bradley?" Clarke asked more seriously. 

"I mean, I still don't believe this is real sometimes. Like I'm gonna wake up one day and it all be gone."

"I get that," she nodded. "It feels a little too good a times. Like a dream or something."

"Right," he confirms. "But then I remember that it is really happening and it's like I'm falling all over again." Clarke was beaming, her eyes welling up with tears. He noticed and raised a hand to cradle her cheek. "I guess I'm just excited that we have the rest of forever. It means that I've got time to learn all the little things about you. Like all your moles and freckles and scars, all of it."

"Forever, really?" Clarke baited. "I don't know if I can do that. My calendar gets pretty busy in a few months." They both let out a laugh. Bradley shifted her off of his lap, keeping her tucked close under his arm. Clarke adjusted her blanket and then wrapped her arms around his torso and rested her head on his chest. They looked out at the water, it continuing to silently rush to the beach and then back out. 

"Forever?" Clarke asked.


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