Chapter 3

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3rd pov

Mal and Shu got up getting ready for school as usual. Charles was styling Mal's hair into a braid as she ate her breakfast. While Shu was making himself lunch and breakfast. Shu looks over at the clock on the wall, 'Well it's time to go.' He says in his mind. Shu exits his apartment and gets on his bike going to Mal apartment.

As he gets to the entrance he sees Mal coming with Charles escorting her.

"Good morning." Shu says.

Mal dismissed Charles and looked back at Shu, "Good morning Shu." She says.

Mal got on the bike and the two proceeded to go to school. They had occasional conversation on the way there. The classic, 'what did you have for breakfast', 'are you ready for your next battle', etc. the pair talked on the way to school. Sooner or later they arrived and went inside the school, going to their seat and greeted by excited Valt later on.

They were studying how the sun reflects on earth. Everyone was taking notes on the other hand Valt was doodling in his book. Mal sweat dropped and Shu sighed, 'classic Valt.' they both thought. Lunch break rolled by and everyone, Valt sprinted out of the classroom screaming 'Rush launch!'. The snowy haired duo sighed again and just ate lunch.

"How can he be so hyper about one win?" Mal questioned taking a bite of her lunch

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"How can he be so hyper about one win?" Mal questioned taking a bite of her lunch.

Shu looked at her, "Valt has always been like this, he's happy with the smallest things." He tells her.

Mal looked at her lunch longingly, "huh I wonder how it'd feel like to be carefree again..." She mumbled quietly.

Though Shu heard clearly, 'what exactly is your story Mal' He questions himself. They both cleaned up and headed to the rooftop to do some training. Shu was focusing positioning himself and Mal was cleaning Mirinai peacefully until they heard obnoxious yelling.

"People have feelings!" Rantaro says.

"Hahahaha!" Valt laughed smugly.

"{Growl} I'm like an onion. I have many layers!" Rantaro claims.

The last statement made Mal confused and Shu irritated. "Guys be quiet!" Shu yelled at them. Both blondie and the blue porcupine along with the twins walked over to the two white heads. Mal stopped cleaning Mirinai and looked at them, "You guys sure like to cause a ruckus..." She says. Valt walked over with a smile, "hey-." Shu cut him off. "Quiet please." Shu said, annoyed. Valt stopped in his tracks, "s-sorry." he says.

Thanks to their silence Shu was able to make a perfect launch, "let it rip!" He yells. Launch Spryzen towards the center, "Don't mind me I'm just crossing to the winners side." Valt says but bumps into Shu. Valt let out a disgusted 'bleh', "ew gross why are you so sweaty?" Valt askes. Shu looks at him unfazed, "because I'm training with my bey and it isn't easy." He says. Valt and Rantaro looked at the puddle of Shu's sweat, "woah he's hardcore." Rantaro says. 

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