Chapter 37

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"Of course I'm worried. Should we check Twitter? It'll be out soon." I asked, I knew it was a bad idea, I knew there would be a flood of hate.. but what if people liked me? What if they were happy for us? I needed to know.

"Why don't we just look tomorrow, we can enjoy the rest of tonight, just us- the calm before the storm."

"Jungkook the storm is already here, we're just ignoring it." He laughed, standing from his chair and taking our empty plates over to the sink. He cleaned everything up, only allowing me to help with small tasks, such as emptying the dishes of sides so he could wash them.

"Okay." He said after a good few minutes of comfortable silence. "I know you'll just look at it all when I'm sleeping, I'd rather be awake and go through it with you." He dried his hands and turned to kiss me. Our lips met in the most desperate kiss we've ever shared. He was nervous too.

"You know me too well. Thank you, I think it'll be easier with you." I agreed as he led us to the living room, sitting with me on the no longer innocent sofa. He pulled his laptop from the coffee table, opening Twitter as soon as he's unlocked it.


Right there, on the BTS_twt account, was four typed up paragraphs. The company's statement, Jungkook's, mine and finally a paragraph explaining that legal action will be taken against anyone that sends abuse, death threats, defamation of the artist etc. They even went on to warn against searching for me, both on and offline. We read it as if it was new to us, despite being heavily involved in the writing process.

"This is BigHit Music, as the management of BTS, we would like to announce the happy engagement of our artist JEON JUNGGUK to PARK Y/N. We know this may be shocking, but both people are happy and intend to get married in the coming year. We felt it was best we address this now, as it is our duty to inform fans of changes within the group, as well as the company."

"Hi ARMY. I want to announce that I recently got engaged to the woman I love. I want you to know that I am happy, and I hope that as fans, this also makes you happy. I will love ARMY always, but now with an extra place in my heart for my future wife. Thank you everyone for you continuous support, I love you all."

Fuck, why does his sound so good? They're going to hate me. Oh my god.

"Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself as JUNGGUK's fiancée, I hope you will accept me as not only his future with but also an ARMY since I am one at heart. I've been a fan of BTS since their debut as PARK JIMIN is my brother. I've supported them for a long time, I will continue to do so, as I hope you will too. I know how hard this may be for some of you, but please know that we are happy. Thank you all."

How awful! Why does his read so much better than mine? God I'd hate me if I were just an onlooker. The final paragraph was very formal, including an email to report people violating the legal boundaries set in place.


I don't know if it's a good idea to look at the comments. My hands are sweating and my legs feel achy. "Are you okay?" His voice calmed me instantly, my mind clearing up as he squeezed my hand. "We don't have to look if you can't handle it." But I wanted to see.

"No, it's okay, I'm just scared." He kissed my temple assuring me that it would be alright. He scrolled down to the comments, there were millions of them, with hundreds of thousands of retweets. There was also 2 million likes. But that begged the question- did they like it before or after reading the statement?

"I'm so happy for you Jungkook! Our maknae is getting married!" He was reading them out to me rather than me reading them myself.

"Wow! She's so pretty, just like Jimin!"
"Congratulations Jungkook and Y/N"
"We love you Jungkook! Good luck!"

I knew he was only reading the positive ones. "Okay, now read the rest." He looked at me confused, "I know you're keeping the bad ones to yourself. Read them to me" he protested but I wanted to hear it. "Jungkook, please, just let me see them."

He huffed out a defeated sigh. "Fine."

"Why is our handsome Jungkookie dating someone like her? She's ugly and fat!"
"She is not Jimin's sister! He must've got all the good looking genes."
"This bitch! How dare you take Jungkook from us?!"
"You selfish bitch, he's ours!"
"Jungkook is mine!"
"You don't deserve him, I hope you die."
"Fuck you, I'll kill you!"
"Stupid bitch, I'll kill you!"

Damn, that's a lot of aggression. I noticed that most of them were calling me fat and ugly, another chunk just threatened to kill me and left it at that, but there was few that seemed like creepy seasangs really believing that I'd taken him from them.

"Okay. I can handle that. It took longer to find these ones, there are a lot of positive ones." I said to myself. It was true, I could handle this. I knew we were happy, they knew nothing about us. Trolls over the internet can't hurt you if you simply ignore them.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook seemed timid, like he was scared to ask me that. "I know they can be a lot, we get threats like that from haters too. It's hard." I turned and smiled at him, my eyes stinging a little.

"I'm good. I don't need validation from a bunch of strangers." I stood firm in my statement.

"You're crying baby." He wiped a few tears from both my cheeks, pulling me into his chest in the most secure embrace I've ever felt.

"I really am okay. Just overwhelmed. I promise, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be." He laughed against my head, praising me for being strong, thanking me for staying with him, even with the hate. We talked for a few hours, about how this would change things, how things would work out, what would happen if something bad did happen, then eventually we got to talking about our wedding.

"The statement said we're getting married this year." I said, Jungkook holding a bag of crisps open for me to plunge my hand into freely.

"It did. How does that make you feel?" His free hand rubbing my thigh. Keeping me close, allowing me to feel safe through his touch.

"I'm happy. I'd marry you tomorrow if it was all set up. I laughed but he didn't join in. His face was serious as he spoke.

"Let's set it up then." I was stunned, we couldn't get married tomorrow! "Next week. You like winter more than summer and it's still cold here. We can book out a small venue, just having the members, company staff, your family and mine. Food is easy to book in at this time of year. We can have it all ready for next week."

He was so excited, I could see it in his fist crushing my crisps, his eyes shining at the thought. He made me happy, my heart warm and my mind feel safe.

"Marry me Y/N, next week?" Jungkook gave me a closed mouth, genuine smile, his bunny smile peeking through at his inability to contain his enthusiasm.

"Okay." I laughed, "Let's get married!" I leaned toward the eager man in front of me, our lips meeting in a genuine kiss, a kiss that said, "I love you" without having to actually say anything at all.

Author's Note:
In the future, if any of the members come out to say they're dating, PLEASE don't be like the second set of comments!!

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