Chapter 8

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Everyone hugged me again and then left my room to let me sleep before the surprise Chen had planned for me today. I was going to need all the energy in the world for this knowing my best friend.


I woke up to screaming coming from beside me, Chen Xi was running around my room like a wild animal, she came up to my face a watched me as I furrowed my brows at my best friend. 'Why are we friends?' I thought to myself before speaking for the first time that morning. "Good morning Chen. Why are you here?" I asked in my tired voice as I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes to help them adjust to the light.

"It's your birthday. It's surprise day!" She yelled as she pulled me into a tight hug, "You're going to love it!" This time she whispered into my ear which made me shiver, damn Jungkook- he's made me so sensitive to things like that. Chen grabbed my hand and yanked my entire body out of my bed, and I fell onto the floor. "Get up! We need to start getting ready!" She spoke excitedly as she showed me the time on her phone, '11:42AM' she must've given me a late start since it's my birthday.

"What time are we leaving for the surprise?" I asked as I made my way to the bathroom as Chen followed behind like an excited puppy.

"We leave at 5 but it doesn't start until 6:30." she replied as she began to calm herself down. I got into the shower while Chen went a prepared brunch for both of us, Jimin had already left, Bangtan are starting a local tour around Korea soon and tonight is their first show. They do a show every other day which means Jungkook and Jimin are both free to join me and Chen Xi on our night out, thankfully. Once I had finished in the shower, I dried my hair and changed into comfy clothes since Chen said she was dressing me and getting me ready tonight. I made my way downstairs and the smell of fresh waffles hit my nose and guided me toward the kitchen, I sat myself at the table while looking at Chen in the kitchen singing to herself, I noticed she was singing Promise, my brothers song, and a smile grew on my face as I realised how much she liked him. She's good for him, I hope he doesn't fuck it up.

She walked toward me with two plates each holding 3 waffles with a variety of fruits and berries arranged on top, she ran back to the kitchen and returned with two cups of tea in her hands to help wake me up.

"Happy birthday Y/N, Jimin said he will cook for you tomorrow since he's not here today." I nodded my head to show my gratitude and she placed the cup next to my delicious food. We both sat in a comfortable silence and ate our food before returning to my bedroom. We watched BTS videos as we waited for 2PM to arrive- then we would start getting ready for whatever she has planned. A few hours later, Chen jumped up from my bed as a loud ringing from her phone echoed throughout my room. "ITS 2PM! Let's get ready!" She screamed as she ran toward my closet. She had already planned her outfit and brought it with her this morning, so she got changed while I waited for her to pick out my clothes. Soon, she called me into my closet with a simple but cute outfit laid out in front of me. She chose ripped Demin jeans with a slightly see-through black cropped top and matched it with cute black boots.

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