Chapter 20

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"What did he say? Why are you so happy?" Jin's words flooded from his lips as my smile turned into a smug glance at each of them.

"Jimin-sii gave us his blessing," I spoke with confidence and cockiness coating my words as the looks of curiosity dropped from their faces and confused ones took over. "Hyungs. Don't kiss her again, game or not. Don't touch her. She's mine." Simultaneously three heads hung to face the floor, almost as if they were disappointed; hopefully in themselves.


I sat in Jimin's arms for a while, just crying. I was so relieved that he had finally accepted mine and Jungkook's relationship, but I didn't even know if Jungkook wanted that. Sure, he loves me, but what if he can't forgive me or trust me? That's not the sort of relationship we need. We need trust and honesty.

The door to my room opened slowly, I only noticed once Jimin sat me back up and walked away from me, my eyes were drawn to the figure stood in my doorway, tall and confident. The look was a complete contrast to the weak, broken frame he displayed earlier.

"Y/N." He walked over to me, taking my hands in his and pulling me from the bed I'd been sitting in for hours. My legs were weak as I stood so he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling my body against his to keep me stable. He dropped his grip on my hand before cupping my cheek and resting his forehead against mine. "Jagi, I heard what Jimin said to you." My eyes shot up to look at him- he had a huge smile plastered on his face, the corners of his lips curing toward his slightly squinted eyes, his adorable bunny teeth were on full display and my heart immediately jumped out of my chest. He wanted me back.

"You did? And how do you feel about it?" I asked him, begging for his answer to match mine. I could tell from his stature that he was happy, that he wanted this but I wanted to hear him say it.

"I love you. If you still want me, I'd love for you to be my girlfriend- officially." My heart stopped as I stared into his sparkling eyes. They were so deep, it seemed as though he had entire galaxies in them, holding more stars than I could ever imagine as the shone bright through his dark brown iris.

Before I knew it, he lowered his head down to me, our foreheads resting against each other yet again. His lips brushed against mine as he waited for my response. Words couldn't describe how I was feeling right now so I wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my hands in his hair and pulled him impossibly closer, finally connecting our lips. It had been so long since I last kissed him... I'd missed him.

As he pulled away, I felt an instant loss as his lips left mine. He dropped his hand from my face, holding onto each side of my waist. "Jump." was all he said to me but I'd learnt it was best to do as told when it came to Jungkook and so, I did.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, his hands holding my ass to keep me steady as he walked to my bed, placing my back against the soft mattress. He brushed his lips against my neck, immediately travelling to the sweet spot he'd found so long ago. He nibbles and sucked my skin between his teeth, he was going to love not needing to hide the love notes he had a habit of leaving on me.

My breathing hitched in my throat as he pushed his crotch against mine, he was already hard- he must've been craving me as much as I have been needing him. He groaned with every bit of contact that was made with his dick, the sound only made me more desperate for him. I tilted my head back against the bed, allowing him more access to my neck, he took advantage of this and wrapped his hand around my throat before reconnecting his lips to my partially open mouth.

He applied pressure to my throat, not enough to hurt me but enough for me to moan from the feeling. He left my lips again, biting the bottom one as he pulled back from me. He yanked the neck of the T-shirt he'd dressed me in down to reveal more of my chest. He feathered soft kisses against my exposed skin before ripping the shirt open and sucking hard against my breast. His breathing was unstable as he pushed himself against me again.

"I swear to god!" My eyes shot open and toward the door of my room, revealing an awkward looking Jimin as he covered his eyes with his hands. "Jungkook. Get off of my sister for five minutes! We're going out for food." He sounded like he was laughing but he tried to keep his voice serious, only breaking his role a few times.

Jungkook groans and pushed himself off of the bed before helping me up and grabbing the two sides of the shirt, closing it over my chest as the other three guys walked into my room. "I need to get changed. Can you all leave?" I spoke up, the first time for a while, and the men looked me up and down, realising I wasn't exactly ready to go out for food. The older ones cleared their throats before walking away, Jungkook kissed me on the forehead before grabbing my hand and forcing me to keep the ruined shirt closed. He laughed before apologising and leaving my room, dragging Jimin out too.

Once I was changed, we met up with the rest of the boys, Jimin invited Chen and we left for a cute little restaurant not too far from home. We walked for a while until we reached the rustic looking building. It was surrounded by small lamps hanging from the windows and baskets they'd placed around, it seemed pretty empty from the outside but once we walked in, the sound of chatting, eating, cheering all filled my ears, this must be a popular place.

Jin walked up to the woman on the reservations desk and ordered for a all to walk through, turns out, this restaurant was owned by his older brother and Jin wanted to co-own it but he was too busy with Bangtan that he had to sacrifice his chance, he was clearly upset when he spoken about it but he was also very happy in BTS and proud of his brother for the success of the business.

We were separated to two tables, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi and Tae sat together while Jungkook, Jimin, Chen and I sat on the table next to them. We spoke amongst ourselves, I avoided Chen as much as I could until she called my name, asking for my attention. "Y/N, do you think we can go to the bathroom for a minute. I need to talk to you." I sighed and motioned my hand for her to go first and I reluctantly followed behind, mentally kick myself for agreeing to this.

"I don't want to talk to you." I muttered as she held the door open for me, the door closed slowly behind us and she lowered her head down, almost bowing to me. I don't know what she's playing at but she can't get herself out of this.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to use you. When we first started hanging out it was a real friendship." She was talking quietly, her voice was weak and strained. She had no right to cry. "I started to like Jimin when you first introduced us, I thought the best way to develop his feelings for me was to be around him as much as much as I could, so I stayed with you constantly. I didn't mean to use you, and I'm the process you easily became my best friend, I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you!" She was crying now, sniffling and wiping her tears away every couple of seconds. My heart broke again in that very moment. She ruined my relationship with my brother and now she wants me to forgive her? It wasn't happening. I could be civil, for Jimin's sake but I could never be friends with her again. Not now anyway, not yet. I wasn't over it yet...

I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her head into my chest to comfort her, "Chen. You hurt me. I can't be your friend yet, but for my brother's happiness, I can tolerate you. Don't cry, you haven't earned that right in this situation. Pull yourself together for Jimin. Maybe in the future I can forgive you entirely but for now, this is the most you're getting." My words were blunt and there was no emotion in my voice, I had nothing more to say to her. I dropped my arms to my sides before walking out and pulling her with me.

As we reached the table, Chen had calmed down and was no longer crying her eyes out. We sat next to our respective partners and enjoyed the rest of our evening, making light conversation and enjoying the amazing food Jin's brother had prepared specially for us. Chen and I spoke but I made no effort to be interested. We were both bombarded with 'subtle' questions thrown at us all night but neither of us gave them any attention.

Author's Note:
Hello! My upload schedule has been ruined due to writer's block and lack of time. I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed this episode!
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Thank you~<3

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